English Economic History: Select Documents. Various

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English Economic History: Select Documents - Various

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as fully and freely and entirely as our citizens of Oxford have those liberties and as the charter of King Richard, our uncle, which they have thereof, reasonably testifies. Witnesses as above. Given [at Westminster on 24 March in the 11th year of our reign].

      7. Bondman Received in a Borough [Bracton's Notebook, III, 243, No. 1228], 1237–8.

      Order was made to the bailiffs of Andover that at the first coming of the lord the King to Clarendon they shew cause to the lord the King, wherefore they have detained from Everard le Tyeis William of Amesbury, his bondman and fugitive, inasmuch as he claims him at the time and hours, as he says, etc.

      And Adam de Marisco and other bailiffs of Andover come and say that the aforesaid William was at one time dwelling at Wilton and was a travelling merchant and married a woman in the town of Andover, and within the year in which he married the same Everard came and sought him as his bondman and fugitive, but they refused to deliver him to him and dared not without the lord the King's command.

      Afterwards the same Everard comes, and remits and quit-claims to the lord the King and his heirs the aforesaid William with his whole brood, etc.

      8. An Inter-municipal Agreement in Respect of Toll [Charter Roll, 23 Henry III, m. 3], 1239.

      9. Enforcement of Charter Granting Freedom From Toll Throughout the Realm [Chancery Files], 1416.


      [Endorsed.] The answer of John Kerde withinwritten.

      I certify to you that I have permitted and will hereafter permit Thomas Sabarn withinwritten to be quit of pavage, pontage, murage, toll and lastage, as is commanded me by this writ, and have not molested or aggrieved him on the same accounts, and will not molest or aggrieve him hereafter.

      10. Licence for an Alien To Be of the Gild Merchant Of London [Charter Roll, 37 Henry III, m. 21], 1252.

      11. Dispute Between the Merchant Gild and the Abbot Of Bury St. Edmunds [B.M. Add. MSS. 17391, ff. 61–65], 1304.

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