English Economic History: Select Documents. Various

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English Economic History: Select Documents - Various

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Edmund used to have the dung found in the four high roads and not elsewhere in the lanes; in the time of Thomas, by force and might they collected and took the dung in all the lanes, against the will of the burgesses.

      Further, in the time of Edmund, from payers of toll the farmers used to take nothing by way of a double toll, and that by view of any of the jurors of the same town; in the time of Thomas the farmers took from payers of toll the heaviest ransoms at their will, exceeding the value of the thing whereon the toll was so paid, and often more than the true value.

      Further, in the time of Edmund, the porters of the castle of the town of Leicester meddled not in the town of Leicester with the making of any attachments, except with a bailiff of the same town; in the time of Thomas, by force and might they made attachments and other executions without any bailiff of the town, and wrought great wrongs in the said town, whereby the burgesses suffered great grievances.

      In the time of Edmund, if any burgess were impleaded in the court of the castle, the mayor and bailiffs of the same town used to claim their court and freely have it at the Portmanmoot; in the time of Thomas the farmers refused to admit their claims or to grant their court, but compelled burgesses to answer there by various and heavy distraints.

      Further, in the time of Edmund, buyers of wool used to hire carts to carry their wool at their will; in the time of Thomas they were compelled to give to the farmers 1d. on each sack and could hire carts only at the will of the said farmers.

      Further, in the time of Edmund, the foresters of "le Fruth" used not to make attachments in the town of Leicester nor meddle there for any trespasses of dry wood committed; in the time of Thomas, by extortion, force and might, they made attachments both upon those who bought at their doors from poor women carrying dry sticks on their heads, and upon others, and caused the buyers to be amerced at the court of "le Hethilegh."

      In the time of Edmund, the brewers of the same town used to be amerced once a year according to the measure of their guilt and at the rate of 6d. or 12d. at most; in the time of Thomas, the farmers levied from the same by extortions and heavy ransoms at their will from one half a mark and from another 10s., which they call farms of "Cannemol."

      Further, in the time of Edmund, the weavers of the same town used to give nothing to any man for exercising their trade; in the time of Thomas the said farmers took by extortion from every weaver 40d. for permission to work in broad cloth.

      Further, in the time of Edmund the vendors of salt herrings and fish could sell such their merchandise by themselves and their servants (servos) with their own hands, giving nothing of their own except toll; in the time of Thomas they were not permitted to sell their merchandise, but the ministers of the farmers deputed hereto sold the same and took great sums of money by extortion.

      Further, in the time of Edmund, retailers of cloth selling in their windows used not to be amerced except by view of jurors of the same town and once a year at 12d.; in the time of Thomas they were compelled by heavy extortions to make fines at his will.

      In witness whereof the jurors have set their seals to this inquisition.

      13. Grant of Pavage To the Lord of a Town [Patent Roll, 2 Edward III, p. 1, m. 5], 1328.

      By the King himself.

      14. Misappropriation of the Tolls Levied for Pavage [Fine Roll, 10 Edward III, m. 22], 1336.

      The King to his beloved and faithful John de Mounteny, Nicholas de Beaulu, Robert Scuffyn, and William de Merston, greeting. Know ye that whereas on the 8th day of May in the second year of our reign by our letters patent we granted unto the venerable father Henry, bishop of Lincoln, that he should have in the town of Newark pavage for the term of three years next following, and afterwards, wishing to do further grace to the same bishop in this behalf, we granted unto him that from the end of the term aforesaid he should take in the town aforesaid such pavage until the end of four years then next following, the collection of which pavage amounts to no small sum, as it is said; and we have received a petition shown before us and our council, containing

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