English Economic History: Select Documents. Various

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English Economic History: Select Documents - Various

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that the collectors of the pavage aforesaid in the time aforesaid have detained by them the money which they have collected from that pavage by virtue of the grants aforesaid, and still detain the same, converting it to other uses than to the repair and amendment of that town, as would be fitting, to the deception of us and contrary to the form of the grants aforesaid: We, wishing to apply a remedy in this behalf, as well for us as for the safety of the town aforesaid in times to come, as we are bound, have appointed you, three and two of you, to survey all works, if any have been done by the collectors aforesaid from such money levied and collected during the time of the grants aforesaid in the same town, and to enquire, if need be, of the names of the collectors aforesaid, and to cause those collectors to come before you, three or two of you, and to hear and determine finally the account of all the same collectors of all their receipts from the time aforesaid for such cause, and to distrain the same collectors to apply without delay in such repair all money levied on account of the premises and not applied in the repair aforesaid, and to appoint and depute certain fit collectors of the pavage aforesaid in the town aforesaid of the same town, to collect and levy the money there and to apply the same in the repair and amendment of the pavage aforesaid in times to come, as you shall deem best to be done according to your discretions for our advantage and the safety of the town aforesaid. And therefore we command you that at certain days which you, three or two of you, shall provide herefor, you hear and determine the account aforesaid, and do and accomplish all and singular the premises in the form aforesaid; for we have commanded our sheriff of Nottingham that at certain days which you, three or two of you, shall cause him to know, he cause to come before you, three or two of you, the collectors aforesaid, and as many and such good and lawful men of his bailiwick by whom the truth of the matter in the premises may the better be known and enquired of. In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Walsingham, 15 February. By petition of the Council.

      15. Ordinances of the White Tawyers of London [Guildhall Letter-Book F, f. 126], 1346.

      In honour of God, of Our Lady, and of all Saints, and for the nurture of tranquillity and peace among the good folks the Megucers, called "Whittawyers," the folks of the same trade have, by assent of Richard Lacer, Mayor, and of the Aldermen, ordained the points underwritten.

      In the first place, they have ordained that they will find a wax candle, to burn before Our Lady in the Church of All Hallows near London Wall. Also, that each person of the said trade shall put in the box such sum as he shall think fit, in aid of maintaining the said candle.

      Also, if by chance any one of the said trade shall fall into poverty, whether through old age, or because he cannot labour or work, and have nothing with which to help himself; he shall have every week from the said box 7d. for his support if he be a man of good repute. And after his decease, if he have a wife, a woman of good repute, she shall have weekly for her support 7d. from the said box, so long as she shall behave herself well, and keep single.

      And that no stranger shall work in the said trade, or keep house [for the same] in the city, if he be not an apprentice, or a man admitted to the franchise of the said city.

      And that no one shall take the serving man of another to work with him, during his term, unless it be with the permission of his master.

      And if any one of the said trade shall have work in his house that he cannot complete, or if for want of assistance such work shall be in danger of being lost, those of the said trade shall aid him, that so the said work be not lost.

      And if any one of the said trade shall depart this life, and have not wherewithal to be buried, he shall be buried at the expense of their common box; and when any one of the said trade shall die, all those of the said trade shall go to the Vigil, and make offering on the morrow.

      And if any serving-man shall conduct himself in any other manner than properly towards his master, and act rebelliously towards him, no one of the said trade shall set him to work, until he shall have made amends before the Mayor and Aldermen; and before them such misprision shall be redressed.

      And that no one of the said trade shall behave himself the more thoughtlessly, in the way of speaking or acting amiss, by reason of the points aforesaid; and if any one shall do to the contrary thereof, he shall not follow the said trade until he shall have reasonably made amends.

      And if any one of the said trade shall do to the contrary of any point of the Ordinances aforesaid, and be convicted thereof by good men of the said trade, he shall pay to the Chamber of the Guildhall of London, the first time 2s., the second time 40d., the third time half a mark, and the fourth time 10s., and shall forswear the trade.

      Also, that the good folks of the same trade shall once in the year be assembled in a certain place, convenient thereto, there to choose two men of the most loyal and befitting of the said trade, to be overseers of work and all other things touching the trade, for that year, which persons shall be presented to the Mayor and Aldermen for the time being, and sworn before them diligently to enquire and make search, and loyally to present to the said Mayor and Aldermen such defaults as they shall find touching the said trade without sparing any one for friendship or for hatred, or in any other manner. And if any one of the said trade shall be found rebellious against the said overseers, so as not to let them properly make their search and assay, as they ought to do; or if he shall absent himself from the meeting aforesaid, without reasonable cause, after due warning by the said overseers, he shall pay to the Chamber, upon the first default, 40d.; and on the second like default, half a mark; and on the third, one mark; and on the fourth, 20s. and shall forswear the trade for ever.

      Also, that if the overseers shall be found lax and negligent about their duty, or partial to any person, for gift or for friendship, maintaining him, or voluntarily permitting him [to continue] in his default, and shall not present him to the Mayor and Aldermen, as before stated, they are to incur the penalty aforesaid.

      Also, that each year, at such assemblies of the good folks of the said trade, there shall be chosen overseers, as before stated. And if it shall be found that through laxity or negligence of the said governors such assemblies are not held, each of the said overseers is to incur the said penalty.

      Also, that all skins falsely and deceitfully wrought in their trade, which the said overseers shall find on sale in the hands of any person, citizen or foreigner, within the franchise, shall be forfeited to the said Chamber, and the worker thereof amerced in manner aforesaid.

      Also, that no one who has not been an apprentice, and has not finished his term of apprenticeship in the said trade shall be made free of the same trade; unless it be attested by the overseers for the time being or by four persons of the said trade, that such person is able, and sufficiently skilled to be made free of the same.

      Also, that no one of the said trade shall induce the servant of another to work with him in the same trade, until he has made a proper fine with his first master, at the discretion of the said overseers, or of four reputable men of the said trade. And if any one shall do to the contrary thereof, or receive the serving workman of another to work with him during his term, without leave of the trade, he is to incur the said penalty.


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