The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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the Royal Barbados Defense Force includes a land-based Troop

       Command and a small Coast Guard; the primary role of the land

       element is to defend the island against external aggression; the

       Command consists of a single, part-time battalion with a small

       regular cadre that is deployed throughout the island; it

       increasingly supports the police in patrolling the coastline to

       prevent smuggling and other illicit activities (2005)

      Transnational Issues Barbados

      Disputes - international:

       in 2005, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago agreed to compulsory

       international arbitration that will result in a binding award

       challenging whether the northern limit of Trinidad and Tobago's and

       Venezuela's maritime boundary extends into Barbadian waters and the

       southern limit of Barbadian traditional fishing; joins other

       Caribbean states to counter Venezuela's claim that Aves Island

       sustains human habitation, a criterion under UNCLOS, which permits

       Venezuela to extend its EEZ/continental shelf over a large portion

       of the Caribbean Sea

      Illicit drugs:

       one of many Caribbean transshipment points for narcotics bound for

       Europe and the US; offshore financial center

      This page was last updated on 20 October, 2005


      @Bassas da India

      Introduction Bassas da India


       This atoll is a volcanic rock surrounded by reefs and is awash at

       high tide. A French possession since 1897, it was placed under the

       administration of a commissioner residing in Reunion in 1968.

      Geography Bassas da India


       Southern Africa, islands in the southern Mozambique Channel, about

       one-half of the way from Madagascar to Mozambique

      Geographic coordinates:

       21 30 S, 39 50 E

      Map references:



       total: 0.2 sq km

       land: 0.2 sq km

       water: 0 sq km

      Area - comparative:

       about one-third the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

      Land boundaries:

       0 km


       35.2 km

      Maritime claims: territorial sea: 12 nm exclusive economic zone: 200 nm




       volcanic rock

      Elevation extremes:

       lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m

       highest point: unnamed location 2.4 m

      Natural resources:


      Land use: arable land: 0% permanent crops: 0% other: 100% (all rock) (2001)

      Irrigated land:

       0 sq km (1998 est.)

      Natural hazards:

       maritime hazard since it is usually under water during high tide

       and surrounded by reefs; subject to periodic cyclones

      Environment - current issues:


      Geography - note:

       the islands emerge from a circular reef that sits atop a

       long-extinct, submerged volcano

      People Bassas da India

      Population: uninhabited (July 2005 est.)

      Government Bassas da India

      Country name:

       conventional long form: none

       conventional short form: Bassas da India

      Dependency status:

       possession of France; administered by the Administrateur Superieur

       of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands

      Legal system:

       the laws of France, where applicable, apply

      Flag description:

       the flag of France is used

      Economy Bassas da India

      Economy - overview: no economic activity

      Transportation Bassas da India

      Ports and harbors: none; offshore anchorage only

      Military Bassas da India

      Military - note: defense is the responsibility of France

      Transnational Issues Bassas da India

      Disputes - international: claimed by Madagascar

      This page was last updated on 20 October, 2005



      Introduction Belarus


       After seven decades as a constituent republic of the USSR, Belarus


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