Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry. Группа авторов

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Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry - Группа авторов

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the veterinary dental pioneers including the speakers, Drs. Gary Beard, Ben Colmery, Tom Mulligan and Chuck Williams, in what was to become a lifelong professional friendship and the organized beginning of the evolution of contemporary animal dentistry. It has continued to fuel my insatiable desire to improve dental techniques practiced by veterinarians.

      I also, wish to thank, among others, Drs. Colin Harvey and Robert Bruce Wiggs, for their friendship and joint collaboration in the pursuit of the advancement of veterinary dental techniques and service.

      From Edward Eisner

      My infatuation with the management of animals continued in my late teens and early 20 years, as I worked as a wilderness guide in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in northwest Montana and again in the Pipestone Wilderness in Alberta, Canada where I rode 2500 miles in the summer of 1956. At Cornell University in the New York Veterinary School, Professor Dr. Steven Roberts mentored me. Among other helpful attributes, he was on the Cornell veterinary school admissions committee, coach and veterinary caretaker of the Cornell polo team horses, and author and professor of equine obstetrics. I played polo for him, managed the team after an injury and received guidance from him before taking my job as the livestock inspector. Dr. Francis Fox, professor of livestock medicine and surgery at Cornell imprinted on me the importance of maintaining my skills in physical diagnosis, even in the presence of rapidly advancing automated technology. Throughout all of this, my father impressed upon me, by example, the importance of being ethical in my many pursuits. I am appreciative to all of these people, and others, who helped to shape my personal life as well as my professional profile that has spanned more than 55 years in a very rewarding professional career in the veterinary medical profession, culminating in 40 years of immersion in the evolution of advanced dental care for animals, and most lately, in joining Peter Emily in his crusade to help captive animals in the many sanctuaries, zoos and animal parks of the world.


      The purpose of this book is to educate the reader as to the essence of therapeutic modalities and pitfalls when performing dentistry on captive animals in sanctuaries, zoos or in the field. To cover every aspect of dentistry, or every species encountered, is beyond the scope of this book. We have included the most frequent species and dental pathologies that clinicians will see and be asked to treat. We hope this work will expand wildlife animal dental knowledge, resulting in increased success of dental procedures in the field.

      It should be emphasized that dentistry and oral surgery is similar to other veterinary disciplines in that success of a clinician is dependent on knowledge, expertise, equipment, and patient compliance. The same ingredients make a good dentist as do a good surgeon, and the treatment for a number of oral conditions involve surgery. There are unique endodontic morphologies present in various species, especially large felids, that make it essential that the practitioner obtain hands‐on tutoring before attempting endodontic therapy for large felids. One should be well rested, well prepared, well equipped and well skilled, especially before attempting to treat wild animals in zoological or sanctuary settings, where often, because of anesthetic risk, there will be only one opportunity to perform therapy. Well rested is self‐explanatory. An alert, aware and energetic individual is one who can provide a smoothly executed procedure. A well‐prepared individual is one who knows the protocol and instrumentation of planned procedures, as well as that of alternative procedures that might be required. Skill comes with experience, and experience comes with practice. Additionally, the well‐prepared clinician will be well equipped. Using the appropriate instruments, well maintained, will help to lessen procedure time, minimize patient discomfort and reassure the clinician that they have performed a proper procedure in the best way possible.

      Through the skill of veterinary dentists, enhanced comfort can be achieved for these animals who cannot help themselves, and improved longevity can be realized by the reduction of chronic oral pain and stress experienced by these animals who are less often treated.

      Increased knowledge of the species‐specific anatomy, physiology and oral function will be invaluable in achieving proper diagnosis and treatment. This does not reduce the importance of hands‐on experience, as each case and each animal is unique. For example, the vast majority of tiger upper canines have a bulbous apical root canal morphology with an extended apical delta at the root end terminus. Thus, treatment for each species will be different, and will require adaptation in the field.

      Wildlife dentistry is infrequently encountered in veterinary practice. The diverse dental findings as to endodontic morphology, occlusal, and radicular forms, tooth sizes, and numbers of teeth all complicate exotic animal dentistry. Difficulty in obtaining routine oral examination to intercept developing problems and provide routine dental maintenance is a large factor in maintaining or regaining oral health. Additionally, poor financial rewards, lack of exotic animal dental knowledge and education, all contribute to the challenges of providing successful oral care for these animals.

      All the dental disciplines practiced in human and small animal dentistry can be practiced in exotic animal or zoo dentistry. However, the many dental morphological and pathological differences seen in the various species create treatment challenges that can extend far beyond routine procedures. Dental problems can be multiple, complex, and often unseen in domestic small animal dentistry. Therapy can be complicated by limited oral access in some species. Most zookeepers are untrained in recognition of developing dental problems. This results in advanced dental pathology before the condition becomes clinically evident. Because of advanced levels of pathology, therapy is often more difficult and with uncertain prognosis for success.

      Avian species primarily present with lost or fractured beak segments or beak malocclusion resulting from poor nutrition.

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