Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry. Группа авторов

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Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry - Группа авторов

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This tome contained all Greek and Latin veterinary manuscripts in Constantinople, collected and arranged; it includes a section on Dentition. It was translated by Ruellius from Greek to Latin and printed in 1530 in Paris.

      The fascination of Arabs with horses was recognized in some important manuscripts; one, written about 1100 CE by Ibn‐al‐Awan in Spain, includes a section on dentition. Around 1200 CE, Abou Bekr produced “The Naceri” in Egypt; Book 11 includes a section on dentition and dental operations.

      Northern Europe was largely an intellectual backwater regarding veterinary medicine until late in the eighteenth century. Available written materials include an early manuscript written in Britain in about 1000 CE entitled “The Medicine of Quadrupeds,” which is largely a compilation from earlier Roman manuscripts. As an example of what now seems ridiculous, from the 1723 edition of a book originally published in 1610: “A horse may have pain in his teeth through diverse occasions, as partly by the descent of gross humors from the head down to the teeth and gums.”

      Dental extractions in horses have been performed and described for many centuries. Initially, this was performed by striking accessible teeth, such as wolf teeth, directly. “With the horse's head tied up high, and his mouth opened wide, take a carpenter's gouge, place the edge at the foot of the wolf tooth, turn the hollow side downwards, holding your hand steady so that the tool may not swerve or slip, then strike the head of the tool a good stroke wherein you may loosen the tooth and bend it inwards, then wrench the tooth out with the hollow side of the tool. Then fill up the empty hole with salt finely brayed.” Trephining was developed as a means of opening the frontal and maxillary sinuses for treatment of nasal diseases caused by glanders or sometimes by dental disease by Lafosse in 1749.

      Until the nineteenth century, dental procedures in animals largely were performed by the owner of the animal, or by horse leechers, farriers and other often illiterate practitioners. “Learning” was handed down from generation to generation, mistakes, superstition, and all. Though the invention of printing in the fifteenth century permitted major advances in the distribution of material, it did not necessarily improve the quality of the information. With few exceptions, there is a distinct lack of critical, observant minds evident in the “veterinary” books of the sixteenth, seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth centuries.

      By the end of the nineteenth century, though the horse was losing its critical utility in the human world, equine dentistry was sufficiently advanced that “Equine Dental Colleges” were established; these were not associated with veterinary schools.

      Two factors that did bring considerable subsequent progress to equine dentistry were development of mechanical gags and of powered dental rasps for “floating teeth.” These features together resulted in significantly improved ability to manage occlusal abnormalities.

      We now accept without question that anesthesia is essential for veterinary dental procedures; however, safe, effective anesthetics are a relatively recent addition to the veterinary armamentarium. Major advances were use of: IV opium in dogs in 1665; nitrous oxide gas in cats in 1779; ether in animals in 1847; barbiturates in 1902; flexible endotracheal tube in1914; and pentobarbital and pentothal in 1931–1934.

      Small animal dentistry got off to a slow start compared with horses. The very early descriptions of dental or oral surgical procedures in dogs sound barbaric (particularly given the absence of practical anesthetic techniques). The indications were sometimes based on superstition rather than medical reality, such as excision of the lyssa (the fibromuscular tube that supports the rostral end of the tongue) to prevent rabies in the dog, described by Pliny (50 CE). On this topic, six hundred years later, Samuel Johnson (author of the first English dictionary) says of the “worm” of the dog's tongue, “it is a substance, nobody knows what, extracted nobody knows why”! There were occasional reports of “advanced” procedures, such as placement of dentures in dogs, in the late nineteenth century, however, significant growth in recognition of and means of treating oral and dental conditions in companion animals did not occur until the latter part of the twentieth century.

      Another source of new veterinary dental knowledge from the mid‐part of the twentieth century onward has been use of beagle dogs as a favored animal model for research in dental school laboratories, which has significantly increased the canine periodontal knowledge base.

      One of the important sources of training for the initial core group of “dentally aware” small animal practitioners was human dental practitioners who were invited to consult on canine and feline dental patients. A few human dentists became critical players in veterinary dental continuing education programs, and some (such as Drs. Peter Emily, Peter Kertesz, Mark Tholen, Carl Tinkelman, John Scheels and Boyd Welsch) were important early contributors as volunteer dental consultants to zoos and other non‐domesticated animal collections. As companion animal and particularly zoo and wildlife dentistry developed, the limitations of human dental instruments became evident, particularly in endodontics because of the grossly insufficient length of human endodontic instruments when treating a canine tooth in a large dog or a tiger, in which the root is typically several times as long as the longest human tooth root.

      As veterinary dentistry became a standard part of veterinary medicine in the latter quarter of the twentieth century, individual veterinarians began to devote all of their professional effort to dentistry, and

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