An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Ronald Wardhaugh

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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics - Ronald  Wardhaugh

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Wardhaugh, Ronald, author. | Fuller, Janet M., 1962– author.

      Title: An introduction to sociolinguistics / Ronald Wardhaugh and Janet M. Fuller.

      Description: 8th edition. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley‐Blackwell, 2021. | Series: Blackwell textbooks in linguistics | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021004384 (print) | LCCN 2021004385 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119473428 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119473497 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119473541 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Sociolinguistics.

      Classification: LCC P40 .W27 2021 (print) | LCC P40 (ebook) | DDC 306.44–dc23

      LC record available at LC ebook record available at

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © ivector/Shutterstock

      List of Figures

      Figure 2.1 ‘Am I a joke to you’ meme

      Figure 2.2 ‘Am I a joke to you’ meme without subtitles

      Figure 5.1 Isoglosses

      Figure 5.2 Use of r‐pronunciation by department store

      Figure 5.3 Multiple negation by social class in Detroit

      Figure 5.4 The Northern Cities Vowel Shift

      Figure 5.5 Percentages of overreporting by research participants

      Figure 5.6 Percentages of underreporting by research participants

      Figure 8.1 Linguistic landscapes in Berlin, Germany: ‘Your multicultural fresh market’

      Figure 8.2 Linguistic landscapes in Berlin, Germany: ‘King of Çiğköfte’

      List of Tables

      Table 4.1 Uses of tóngzhì in 1980s China95

      Table 5.1 Percentage of [r] use in three New York City department stores122

      Table 9.1 Pidgins and creoles by lexifier language259


      I did the bulk of this eighth edition in the first half of 2020, during the beginning of the Covid‐19 crisis, which included sheltering with six other family members (three human, three canine) in my house, which was a bit too small for the seven of us. Embedded in the craziness of these times was also the stimulating environment of living with my three mentors for understanding contemporary culture. Our conversations often revolved around many of the issues of social inequality and power abuse which were put into sharp focus in these months. I am sure that many of my readers spent many hours, as we did, reading and discussing the many horrible developments of this time, and taking the edge off the despair by laughing at memes. The intensity of this situation is seen overtly in only a few moments of this book, but it arguably has permeated all of my writing. For this I owe a great debt of thanks to Indigo Nathani, Jayden Nathani and Niko Johnson‐Fuller. In addition to providing me with new perspectives and ideas, they also read sections of the book and offered invaluable feedback. Niko has long acted as my youth culture/technology support staff and continued in that role for this book. (If what I’ve included is nonetheless cringey, he’s not to blame.)

      My co‐workers Zorro Montenegro de Alemania, Guadalupe Runter vom Sofa, and Biene Fetzt also deserve a mention. Although their demands for walks sometimes seemed a burden, ultimately they helped us to stay sane.

      Although this book was finished in the age of the corona, I started it much earlier. I signed a contract shortly before moving to Groningen in 2017, and while taking on this new position delayed work on the book, it also provided me with a fabulous context within which to grow as a sociolinguist. I know ‘fabulous’ is a strange word to use for the workplace, but there really is not a more appropriate word for my colleagues here. Especially the members of the Language & Society team, but all of the members of the European Languages and Cultures program, as well as many valuable colleagues in the Center for Language and Cognition in Groningen, have made my job a pleasure and provided me with a rich intellectual environment.

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