Games | Game Design | Game Studies. Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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Games | Game Design | Game Studies - Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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common thread among all four of these efforts was the virtualization and algorithmic automation of processes, which previously had to be managed in the real world through material processes.



      SPACEWAR! was, however, by no means the first digital game. Already in the 1940s the thought had circulated in leading-edge research, originating from Alan Turing’s and Claude Elwood Shannon’s deliberations that computer games in general, but specifically digital versions of CHESS, could eventually demonstrate an attempt at artificial intelligence through competition with human players. Shannon wrote in 1950:

      Then in 1952, A.S. Douglas programmed NOUGHTS AND CROSSES, a digital version of TIC TAC TOE, as part of his doctoral thesis. In the same year IBM presented the first digital game of CHESS. By 1955 the program was so advanced that it learned from its own mistakes. In the 1960s chess programs started to win against amateurs. However, it would take another two decades until finally, in 1997, IBM’s Big Blue beat reigning world champion Garry Kasparow.


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