Games | Game Design | Game Studies. Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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Games | Game Design | Game Studies - Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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reality but rather in virtuality. There, the process of dematerializing dislocation that began with the movies comes to completion: where on stage human beings of flesh and blood stand, the cinema projects images of light. Online, spectators and actors alike are now also shedding their corporeality in favor of mediated presences by turning into virtual co-players. In this way games profit from the changing nature of work in digital culture. The readiness to be passively entertained over long periods of time is on the decline, while inversely, the readiness for interactive participation is on the rise. Players see the need for making your own decisions that analog and digital games require not as a burden but rather as a pleasure.

      Today we must, therefore, differentiate between games of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary mediality. Games of primary mediality are based on real simulations of reality, those of secondary mediality on symbolic representations of reality, and those of tertiary mediality on tele-auditive or tele-audio­visual participation at real simulations of reality as well as symbolic representations of reality. In contrast, digital games now enable interactive participation not only at virtual, real-time simulations of symbolic representations of reality, but also, most importantly, at virtual, real-time, and hyperrealistic simulations of the imaginary.

      Because of these singular medial characteristics, digital games seem to correspond to the experiences of cultural digitalization more fully than other forms of representation and storytelling: digital games relate to the changing ways of perceiving time and space and to new conceptions of how, under the requirements of digital production and communication, humans have to be and act.

      The three successive developmental pushes in which the new digital medium gained its current characteristics, between the mid-20th and the start of the 21st century, will be presented in the next three chapters.

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