Voyage. Tom Stoppard
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Applause from the family. Michael and Renne shake hands and embrace.
ALEXANDER Good! Come along, we'll give you a proper send-off. Semyon!—Pavel!—one of you—his horse—the Baron is leaving!—
A general exodus begins.
ALEXANDER (cont.) (remembering) Ah, yes. That was it. I have only one serious doubt about this marriage—
LIUBOV (tearfully) Father …
VARENKA (to Liubov) It's a joke.
ALEXANDER … and that is the difference in your ages.
RENNE But I'm only thirty-six!
ALEXANDER A good ten years too young for her! The husband should be at least twice the age of the wife.
VARVARA But you're not.
ALEXANDER Not now, of course. (to Renne) Beauty before brains.
ALEXANDRA Are you coming, Michael?
TATIANA (hanging back) Yes, he's coming.
MICHAEL (to Liubov) Do you want to see him off without everybody … ?
LIUBOV (hastily) No, no, let's all go.
ALEXANDER Family on parade! … Handkerchiefs for waving and weeping—(to Renne) My wife was eighteen and I was forty-two. See my point?—just when the wife starts getting a mind to kick over the traces, she realises she only has to show a little patience …
Michael, Varenka and Tatiana are left alone.
MICHAEL Well! He won't do! Liubov doesn't love him, that's obvious.
VARENKA We know that.
TATIANA She won't go against Papa, and the Baron is a good match, isn't he?
Semyon enters with a tray of champagne glasses, and Miss Chamberlain with a bottle. Voices outside: ‘Tatiana! Michael! And where's Varenka?’
MICHAEL Thank you, Semyon. Leave us be.
Semyon leaves deferentially. Miss Chamberlain, unwisely, approaches gushing.
MISS CHAMBERLAIN So you are Michael.
MICHAEL ‘Go away, please.’
Miss Chamberlain gasps. The girls are shocked and admiring. Miss Chamberlain runs out. From outside ‘Varenka!’ is called. Varenka runs out.
MICHAEL (cont.) I'm speaking of love and you are speaking of matchmaking. Tata, Tata, don't you know? Dawn has broken! In Germany the sun is already high in the sky! It's only us in poor behind-the-times Russia who are the last to learn about the great discovery of the age! The life of the Spirit is the only real life: our everyday existence stands between us and our transcendence to the Universal Idea where we become one with the Absolute! Do you see?
TATIANA (desperately) Tell it to me in German.
MICHAEL This marriage cannot take place. We must save Liubov. To give oneself without love is a sin against the inner life. The outer world of material existence is mere illusion. I'll explain it all to Father.
Tatiana and Michael are being called from outside. She launches herself at Michael to embrace him, and runs out.
MICHAEL (cont.) God, I'm starving!
Michael pauses to stuff his mouth with food from the table, then follows Tatiana.
Garden and verandah.
Varvara comes out onto the verandah.
VARVARA Where are you all? The newlyweds are here!
Liubov appears in the garden.
LIUBOV Maman, they've been married for months.
VARVARA You wouldn't be so calm if you knew what I know!
She sees Tatiana and Alexandra and calls to them before hurrying back inside.
VARVARA (cont.) Come on!—Varenka's here with her husband.
Tatiana and Alexandra enter, making a beeline for Liubov and beside themselves with outrage. Alexandra has a letter.
ALEXANDRA Liubov! Michael's in love with guess who, Natalie Beyer!
TATIANA No, he's not, she's in love with him. The nerve of the woman!
VARVARA (reappearing crossly) Tatiana!
TATIANA We're coming, Mother, what's all the fuss?
LIUBOV Varenka's having a baby.
VARVARA (panicked) Who told you?
LIUBOV You did.
VARVARA I did not, I did not! You don't know, do you hear, you don't know. (She darts back inside.)
TATIANA (sobered) Poor Varenka!
ALEXANDRA Aunties! What a day!
LIUBOV What's happened?
ALEXANDRA Michael's back from Moscow and he's brought this stupid letter from Natalie Beyer … listen, it's to you too, are you ready? ‘My friends! I take up my pen as a duty to myself, to you, and to the Universal Idea. Michael has opened his heart to me. Ah, if only you knew the Michael I know! If only you understood him!’
TATIANA Imbecile!
LIUBOV But in Moscow she was all over Nicholas Stankevich.
TATIANA It's because Nicholas Stankevich likes you. (Liubov demurs.) Yes, he does, he led Natalie up the garden; she told us. Go on, Alexandra!
ALEXANDRA ‘With all the love you bear him, you can't see that