Voyage. Tom Stoppard
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LIUBOV What's he been complaining about?
TATIANA Not getting his own way in everything, I suppose.
LIUBOV None of her business. Anyway, he does.
ALEXANDRA There's lots more.
But Varenka comes from inside, her eyes brimming with emotion. Her pregnancy does not show.
VARENKA Oh, there you are! It's just us … Oh good.
ALEXANDRA Varenka!—look at this. From Natalie Beyer!
TATIANA She's after Michael!
LIUBOV Varenka … !
ALEXANDRA Can you believe the little minx?
Then they recall themselves to Varenka, suddenly shy.
ALEXANDRA (cont.) How are you?
TATIANA Hello, Varenka.
LIUBOV We've missed you horribly.
VARENKA Oh, so have I! I've told Dyakov I'm going to come back again and stay for a few months.
TATIANA Until the—?
Alexandra claps her hand over Tatiana's mouth.
ALEXANDRA We don't know, we don't know!
The four sisters collapse together in tearful happy embraces.
Alexander appears on the verandah, fulminating.
ALEXANDER Did you know about this?
LIUBOV About what?
ALEXANDER Where is he? Damnable boy! Egotist! Wait till he's got children of his own. Oh, congratulations, my dear—Dyakov told me—very good.
DYAKOV, aged about fifty, a cavalry officer, smoking a celebratory cigar, joins Alexander. His three sisters-in-law respond.
SISTERS Congratulations! How lovely! We can't wait! …
DYAKOV I'm the happiest man in the world.
ALEXANDER (resuming) Your brother's going to end up in the Peter-and-Paul Fortress under lock and key!
He goes back inside with Dyakov.
LIUBOV (to Tatiana) What did she say?
Michael, keeping a canny eye out for Alexander, appears from near the house smoking a cigar. He is in uniform.
MICHAEL Have you heard? Wonderful news. I'm going to be an uncle! Well, of course you have.
LIUBOV Congratulations.
MICHAEL Thank you, thank you. I haven't got used to it yet. Yes, it's an amazing feeling, an uncle at last. Congratulations to you, too, Varenka. And Dyakov, of course. Another cavalry officer! Behind my back while I was serving my country.
TATIANA Father's looking for you.
VARENKA (in regard to Alexander) What have you been up to?
MICHAEL What have you been up to is more like it.
Varenka, speechless for a moment, turns to flee in tears. Liubov, with a reproachful look at Michael, leaves with Varenka—further into the garden.
MICHAEL (cont.) (watching them go) Illusion … it's only illusion. Well … can I have my letter back?
ALEXANDRA It's not yours, it's to us.
MICHAEL The letter is to you but the paper and ink were only on loan.
Alexandra crumples the letter and throws it at him.
ALEXANDRA There you are, keep it! Natalie Beyer is a pompous impertinent little snot and she's going to get what for!
TATIANA Go to her, then—it's obvious you care more for her than us, she understands you so well.
MICHAEL So in general you disagree with her analysis.
ALEXANDRA In general she can go and boil her head. And you should know better. She isn't even pretty.
TATIANA Yes, she is. (Tatiana bursts into tears.)
MICHAEL Tata, Tata, my beloved, don't cry. I renounce all love except pure philosophical love, your love, the love I have for my sisters. The so-called love of talking animals removes people two by two from the only possibility of happiness, which is the communion of beautiful souls.
TATIANA No, no—we don't mind—you'll meet somebody one day.
MICHAEL It's not for me. Don't be angry with Natalie. She thinks it's your fault that I couldn't … that I can't be …
Alexander, emerging, sees them from the verandah.
ALEXANDER No spunk, simple as that! (Explains.) Your brother's an army deserter!
MICHAEL (casually) Oh yes, I've resigned my commission.
ALEXANDER He's refusing to return to duty.
MICHAEL On grounds of ill health, Papa. I'm sick of the Army.
ALEXANDER No discipline, that's the problem!
MICHAEL No, it's riddled with discipline, that's the problem. That and Poland.
ALEXANDER Come inside, sir!
MICHAEL Poland is simply impossible.
Alexander goes in. The girls escort Michael, chattering anxiously.
TATIANA AND ALEXANDRA Resigned from the Army? You haven't! Oh, Michael, won't you