Five Television Plays (David Mamet). David Mamet
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RANGER: In the deep dark they became lost. In the woods.
WINNIE: Are you alright?
DOUG: I'm cold.
WINNIE (of compass): We'll just keep walking North. We're going to find a road.
DOUG: How do you know?
WINNIE: Because I have the compass and I have a map.
DOUG: How do you know that there is a road?
WINNIE: Because I see it on the map.
DOUG: What will we do when we find it?
WINNIE: Give ourselves up, because you're cold, and you should be warm, and sleep. And we can't run forever. And that's what we're going to do.
DOUG: We're going the wrong way. We passed this way before.
WINNIE: No. We didn't.
DOUG: How do you know?
WINNIE: Because I have my compass.
DOUG: I don't think it's working. Yes it is. We'll trust it now. And everything will be alright.
WINNIE: Now; for a moment. What's the first thing that you do if you get scared and you're lost in the woods?
DOUG: I don't know.
WINNIE: Yes. You do. You Sit Down and Think. (Pause.) Now we'll sit down a moment.
(They sit. WINNIE sings: “Just Because You're Lost Don't Think Your Compass Is Broken.” She sings: “We Must Abide, in Moments of Stress, by Those Things We Have, in Moments of Peace, Decided Are Correct.” She finishes singing.)
Now, let's go on, and soon we'll find the road, and then you'll be warm.
DOUG: Look!
WINNIE: What is it?
DOUG: A light!
RANGER: They walked in the forest to a little hut made out of wood. A sign over the door said “Ralph Blum.”
WINNIE: Ralph Blum.
DOUG: Who is that?
WINNIE: I don't know, but I hope that he'll help.
(She knocks on the door. Pause. She knocks again. Pause.)
DOUG: Let's go in.
(WINNIE tries the door.)
WINNIE: It's locked. Well, we're going to get you warm. We'll break a window.
(They start around the side of the cabin, the door opens.)
RALPH: Who are you?
WINNIE: May we come in? My son is . . .
RALPH: Why didn't you come to the door?
WINNIE: We did come to the door. We knocked and knocked and . . .
RALPH: I didn't hear you. Come in.
(They go into the cabin.)
RALPH: The boy's cold? Let's get him something to eat. Here. Put on those warm clothes and I'll put the bed by the fire.
WINNIE: Thank you.
RALPH: What?
WINNIE: Thank you.
RALPH: Not at all.
RANGER: So they sat around the fire and the man gave them soup.
RALPH: Now, you two should go to bed, because you look like you could use the rest. You go to sleep, now.
WINNIE: I don't think that I can sleep.
RALPH: You sleep, and everything will look brighter in the morning, whatever it is.
WINNIE: I don't think so.
RALPH: Is there anything that I can help you with?
WINNIE: Thank you, you're very kind, I don't see how you can.
RALPH: You never know. Did you know that? That's one of the true things. You never know.
WINNIE: I'm sure you're right.
RALPH: What?
WINNIE: I said I'm sure you're right.
RALPH: I am right. Lived in the forest all my life. You think that's crazy?
WINNIE: Not at all. Quite the contrary.
WINNIE: I think that's the best place one could live.
RALPH: You do?
RALPH: Huh. Huh. Huh. (Pause.) Well, I'm going to tell you what: Us Outdoorsmen have got to help each other. Don't you think? (Pause.) Don't you think?
WINNIE: Mm. Yes.
RALPH: Well, we do. And I'm going to help you. I don't know what your problems are, ‘n’ it's none of my business . . .
WINNIE: My problems are I have to go to jail and be separated from my son tomorrow.
RALPH: Then I'm going to help you.
RALPH: Can you keep a secret?
WINNIE: If it will help me and my son.
RALPH: It will.
WINNIE: Then I'll keep a secret.
RALPH: You give me your solemn oath?
RALPH: Alright. (Pause.) I am the Magic Woodsman. (Pause.) I have the Power to grant Wishes of the Heart.
(He sings the “Song of the Magic Woodsman.” He finishes. Pause.)
And now you have two wishes. Anything your Heart Desires.
WINNIE: I can wish for anything?
RALPH: Yup. And it will be granted.
WINNIE: Is that true?
RALPH: Yes. It is.