Handbook of Clinical Gender Medicine. Группа авторов

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Handbook of Clinical Gender Medicine - Группа авторов

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females. Inactivation does not involve the same X chromosome in all cells, meaning that females are all epigenetic mosaics. Mosaicism could potentially act as a protective factor if X chromosomes carrying deleterious mutations were preferentially inactivated. Gong et al. [25] tested this hypothesis and found no evidence for skewed X chromosome inactivation in a large sample of individuals with and without ASC.

      The Y Chromosome and Autism Spectrum Conditions

      As noted previously, XYY and XXYY males are at an increased risk for ASC, which would be compatible with a role for the Y chromosome. However, it should be noted that an increased risk for ASC may also be present in individuals with Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) which could implicate a pseudoautosomal locus on the sex chromosomes in the etiology of ASC, but this would not necessarily help explain the male bias (as pseudoautosomal regions should act like nonsex chromosomes). Y chromosome effects certainly merit additional research attention, but current evidence is insufficient to determine whether this mechanism could explain the sex bias in ASC.

      Outstanding Issues: Alternative Biological Mechanisms Resulting in Biased Sex Ratios

      There are also a number of other mechanisms which can produce biased sex ratios which have received almost no research attention in relation to ASC, including parental manipulation of the sex ratio, the immunoreactive theory of selective male affliction, and the effects of müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS).

      Parental Manipulation of the Sex Ratio

      The Immunoreactive Theory of Selective Male Affliction

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