A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23, “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full”. Pierre Bayle

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A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23,  “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full” - Pierre Bayle Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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Sin, and the greatest in its kind.

       Comparison between an ill Action done out of Conscience, and a good one against it.

       There is no Charity in Alms-giving against Conscience.

       That there is Charity in refusing Alms out of Conscience.

       What makes Reviling a Sin.

       An erroneous Conscience challenges the same Prerogatives for an Error, as an Orthodox one for Truth.

       If Jesus Christ had commanded Persecution, ’twou’d be a Sin to tolerate the true Religion, when one is persuaded ’tis false.

       Illustration of this Doctrine by considering the Condition of a Heretick, who knowing this Command shou’d forbear Persecution.

       If the Right of persecuting may be common to Truth and Heresy, all other Rights are common to ’em.

       Answer to those who say, that the only Obligation on a Heretick is to turn himself.

       Chapter IX. An Answer to some Objections against what has bin advanc’d in the foregoing Chapter concerning the Rights of an erroneous Conscience. Some Examples which prove this Right.

       Reflection on the Instances alledg’d by the Author of the Critique Generale on the History of Calvinism.

       <xv> The Morality of Actions determin’d by objective, not physical Qualitys.

       Comparison between a Jew pillaging the Temple of Jerusalem, and a Heathen that of Apollo.

       Examination, 1. of the Distinction of Fact and Right.

       2. Whether it follows from our Principles, that a Man, persuaded of the Sense of Constraint, is oblig’d to persecute.

       3. Whether a Magistrate might not punish those who out of Conscience commit Robbery.

       4. Whether ’twou’d be impossible to suppress the Blasphemys of an Atheist.

       5. Whether one wou’d be oblig’d to suffer Men to preach up Immorality.

       6. Whether a Man, who shou’d commit Murder out of Conscience, wou’d act better than if he declin’d it.

       Chapter X. A Continuation of the Answer to the Difficultys against the Rights of an erroneous Conscience. An Examination of what they say, that if Hereticks retaliate on those who persecute ’em, they are guilty of Injustice. Arguments to prove, that a false Conscience may sometimes excuse those who follow it, tho not in all Cases.

       Some Expressions clear’d concerning the Rights of an erroneous Conscience.

       Reasons to prove, that allowing the Doctrine of Persecutors wou’d justify Hereticks in persecuting the Truth.

       First Reason: These words, Constrain ’em, &c. contain a general Order. The absurd Gloss of some on these words, Do good to all, especially the Houshold of Faith.

       2. That the Right of an Orthodox Conscience is founded on a general Law of God. Instances of this.

       3. That the general Law in which the Right of an Orthodox Conscience is founded, regards only declar’d Truths.

       <xvi> 4th Reason, from the condition of Creatures to whom God manifests his Laws.

       Observations on what may be objected from the Sin of Adam.

       Impossible to distinguish what is really Truth when we believe it, from what is really not so when we believe it is.

       Reflection on the Difficultys propos’d by the Church of Rome against Examination.

       These Principles don’t exclude the Operations of Grace, nor suppose the Salvation of more Souls than other Hypotheses.

       Whether all Error arises from Corruption of Heart.

       Man is form’d to distinguish by Sensation what is hurtful ’or useful to Life.

       5th Reason: The contrary Opinion reduces Man to the most stupid Pyrrhonism.

       Remedy of this, by supposing an Expedient for the Soul like that which God has given for the Sustenance of the Body.

       6th Reason: The contrary Opinion makes the Choice of Christianity impossible to Heathens,

       7th Reason, drawn from Examples of innocent Error.

       A Thought upon invincible Ignorance.

       This Doctrine destroys not the use of the Scripture.


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