A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23, “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full”. Pierre Bayle

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A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23,  “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full” - Pierre Bayle Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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of England. And, 2. Because he wou’d not be suspected <iv> for the Author; for which end he disguis’d his Stile, making use of several obsolete or new-coin’d Words.

      The Reader need not be surpriz’d, if he find the Author does not always keep so strictly to the Part he personates of an English Writer, particularly where he gives such an account of the Anabaptists, as agrees rather to Holland than England.

      A Character of this Work, as well as his other Writings, need not be given here, that being already so well perform’d in the LIFE above-mention’d. And for this Translation, it must speak for it self.



       Occasion of this Work.

       What is a Convertist.

       How he is painted on a Sign at Augsberg.

       Why the best Books are answer’d.

       A ridiculous Complaint of the English Catholicks.

       The general Politeness of the Age has had no Power over the Fierceness of Popery.

       The present Persecution equal to those that are past.

       A Refutation of those who say, that the Persecutions against Protestants do not give ’em a Right of equally persecuting the Catholicks.

       Allowing the Pretensions of both Partys, the Protestants wou’d have the greatest Reason to persecute.

       What the Church of England might say to the Papists.

       Truth does not suffer Prescription, like a Kingdom.

       A Judgment upon the Laws of England against Papists.

       Exception for Crown’d Heads.

       A Project, the Execution of which wou’d be very useful against Popery.

       The Reasons of Missions.

       Scioppius’s Reproach to the Jesuits.

       Perplexity of the Apologists for Persecution.

       Citation from Maimbourg.

       Passage of Monsieur Diroys against forc’d Professions.

       The Advantage he gives to Infidols against the Missionarys.

       <vi> Reflection on the Edicts, for punishing those in France that refus’d the Communion, and those who exercis’d the Protestant Religion.

       Of the Advice given to Augustus to suffer no Innovations in Religion.

       Paganism proves that Toleration is not hurtful to Societys.

       The Primitive Christians yielded to the Force of Torments, yet are in the Martyrology.

       A Confutation of those who affirm, that to ruin the Protestants of France, was a Work which cou’d not be affected, but by the greatest King in the World.

       The Primitive Church was not persecuted without Respite.

       Reflection on the Duke of Guise’s pardoning a Hugonot that wou’d have assassinated him. The ridiculousness of the Sentence he is said to have pronounc’d on that occasion.

       All the moral Truths of the Gospel are Farce in the Mouth of a Convertist.

       All Divines pay Homage to Philosophy.

       Why all particular Truths ought to be examin’d by right Reason.

       By what Light Adam knew that he ought to abstain from the forbidden Fruit.

       After the Fall ’twas more indispensable to have recourse to the Light of Nature.


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