The Law of Success. Napoleon Hill
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BUSINESS EXECUTIVES who wish to expand their present business, or who wish to handle their present volume with less expense, as the result of greater co-operation between their employees.
LAUNDRY OWNERS who wish to extend their business by teaching their drivers how to serve more courteously and efficiently.
LIFE INSURANCE GENERAL AGENTS who wish bigger and more efficient sales organizations.
Side Note: An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding; and it is not to be found in foreign lands, but in the heart itself.—ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON.
CHAIN STORE MANAGERS who want a greater volume of business as the result of more efficient individual sales efforts.
MARRIED PEOPLE who are unhappy, and therefore unsuccessful, because of lack of harmony and cooperation in the home.
To all described in the foregoing classification the Law of Success philosophy offers both DEFINITE and SPEEDY aid.
The purpose of this summary is to aid the student in mastering the central idea around which the lesson has been developed. This idea is represented by the term “Master Mind” which has been described in great detail throughout the lesson.
All new ideas, and especially those of an abstract nature, find lodgment in the human mind only after much repetition, a well known truth which accounts for the re-statement, in this summary, of the principle known as the “Master Mind.”
A “Master Mind” may be developed by a friendly alliance, in a spirit of harmony of purpose, between two or more minds.
This is an appropriate place at which to explain that out of every alliance of minds, whether in a spirit of harmony or not, there is developed another mind which affects all participating in the alliance. No two or more minds ever met without creating, out of the contact, another mind, but not always is this invisible creation a “Master Mind.”
There may be, and altogether too often there is, developed out of the meeting of two or more minds a negative power which is just the opposite to a “Master Mind.”
There are certain minds which, as has already been stated throughout this lesson, cannot be made to blend in a spirit of harmony. This principle has its comparable analogy in chemistry, reference to which may enable the student to grasp more clearly the principle here referred to.
For example, the chemical formula H2O (meaning the combining of two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen) changes these two elements into water. One atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen will not produce water; moreover, they cannot be made to associate themselves in harmony!
There are many known elements which, when combined, are immediately transformed from harmless into deadly poisonous substances. Stated differently, many well known poisonous elements are neutralized and rendered harmless when combined with certain other elements.
Just as the combining of certain elements changes their entire nature, the combining of certain minds changes the nature of those minds, producing either a certain degree of what has been called a “Master Mind,” or its opposite, which is highly destructive.
Any man who has found his mother-in-law to be incompatible has experienced the negative application of the principle known as a “Master Mind.” For some reason as yet unknown to investigators in the field of mind behavior, the majority of mothers-in-law appear to affect their daughters’ husbands in a highly negative manner, the meeting of their minds with those of their sons-in-law creating a highly antagonistic influence instead of a “Master Mind.”
This fact is too well known as a truth to make extended comment necessary.
Some minds will not be harmonized and cannot be blended into a “Master Mind,” a fact which all leaders of men will do well to remember. It is the leader’s responsibility so to group his men that those who have been placed at the most strategic points in his organization are made up of individuals whose minds CAN and WILL BE blended in a spirit of friendliness and harmony.
Ability so to group men is the chief outstanding quality of leadership. In Lesson Two of this course the student will discover that this ability was the main source of both the power and fortune accumulated by the late Andrew Carnegie.
Knowing nothing whatsoever of the technical end of the steel business, Carnegie so combined and grouped the men of which his “Master Mind” was composed that he built the most successful steel industry known to the world during his life-time.
Henry Ford’s gigantic success may be traced to the successful application of this selfsame principle. With all the self-reliance a man could have, Ford, nevertheless, did not depend upon himself for the knowledge necessary in the successful development of his industries.
Like Carnegie, he surrounded himself with men who supplied the knowledge which he, himself, did not and could not possess.
Moreover, Ford picked men who could and did harmonize in group effort.
The most effective alliances, which have resulted in the creation of the principle known as the “Master Mind,” have been those developed out of the blending of the minds of men and women. The reason for this is the fact that the minds of male and female will more readily blend in harmony than will the minds of males. Also, the added stimulus of sexual contact often enters into the development of a “Master Mind” between a man and a woman.
It is a well known fact that the male of the species is keener and more alert for “the chase,” let the goal or object of the chase be what it may, when inspired and urged on by a female.
This human trait begins to manifest itself in the male at the age of puberty, and continues throughout his life. The first evidence of it may be observed in athletics, where boys are playing before an audience made up of females.
Remove the women from the audience and the game known as football would soon become a very tame affair. A boy will throw himself into a football game with almost superhuman effort when he knows that the girl of his choice is observing him from the grandstand.
And that same boy will throw himself into the game of accumulating money with the same enthusiasm when inspired and urged on by the woman of his choice; especially if that woman knows how to stimulate his mind with her own, through the law of the “Master Mind.”
On the other hand, that same woman may, through a negative application of the law of the “Master Mind” (nagging, jealousy, selfishness, greed, vanity), drag this man down to sure defeat!
The late Elbert Hubbard understood the principle here described so well that when he discovered that the incompatibility between himself and his first wife was dragging him down to sure defeat he ran the gamut of public opinion by divorcing her and marrying the woman who is said to have been the main source of his inspiration.
Not every man would have had the courage to defy public opinion, as Hubbard did, but who is wise enough to say that his action was not for the best interest of all concerned?
A man’s chief business in life is to succeed!
The road to success may be, and generally