The Glass Constellation. Arthur Sze

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The Glass Constellation - Arthur Sze

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      the cloud of ink a cuttlefish releases in water.

      You may find a wave in a smoked and

      flattened pig’s head at a Chengdu market,

      or in the diamond pulse of a butterfly.

      I may find it pulling yarn out of an indigo vat

      for the twentieth time, watching the yarn

      turn dark, darker in air. I find it

      with my hand along the curve of your waist,

      sensing in slow seconds the tilt of the Milky Way.



      An aunt has developed carpal tunnel syndrome

      from using a pipette. During the Cultural Revolution,

      she was tortured with sleep deprivation. Some

      of the connections in her memory dissolved

      into gaps. “My mind has leaps now,” she says,

      as she reaches for bean threads in a boiling pot.

      Her son recollects people lined up to buy

      slices of cancerous tripe. “If you boil it,

      it’s edible,” he says. And a couple who ate

      a destroying angel testified it was delicious—

      they had not intended to become love suicides.

      What are the points of transformation in a life?

      You choose three green Qianlong coins and throw

      Corners of the Mouth, with no changing lines.

      You see red and green seaweed washing onto

      smooth black stones along a rocky shoreline,

      sense the moment when gravity overtakes light

      and the cosmos stops expanding and begins to contract.


      In the Brazos, he has never found a matsutake

      under ponderosa pine, but in the dark

      he whiffs it pungent white. Five votive candles

      are lined along the fireplace; she has lit

      a new candle even though the one burning

      holds days of light. The night-blooming cereus

      by the studio window is budding from rain.

      In his mind, he sees the flyswatter

      hanging from a nail on the lintel, a two-eyed

      Daruma hanging from the rearview mirror of the car.

      He hears the dipping-and-rising pitch of a siren

      glide up the street and senses a shift

      in starlight, the Horsehead Nebula, and, in the dark,

      her eyelashes closing and opening on his skin.


      He knew by the sound that the arrow was going to miss the target;

      pins floating on water;

      I saw the collapsing rafters in flames;

      the dark side of the moon;

      if p then q;

      simplicity is to complexity

      as a photon is to a hummingbird?

      fire turns to what is dry;

      when the Chinese woman wore a blond wig,

      people grew uneasy;

      an egg exploding in a microwave;

      morels pushing up through burned ground;

      at the cash register,

      Siamese fighting fish were stacked in small glass bowls;

      she lost all her hair;

      digging up truffles;

      what is “a quantum unit of light”?


      Tokpela: sky: the first world; in her mind,

      she has designed an exhibit exemplifying

      Hopi time and space. He sees the white sash

      with knots and strands hanging from the trastero.

      He sees the wild rose by the gate,

      red nasturtiums blooming by the kitchen door.

      She is pressing the blender button and grinding

      cochineal bugs into bits; she is sorting

      slides of Anasazi textile fragments on a light board.

      He recalls when they let loose a swarm

      of ladybugs in the yard. It is light-years

      since she wove a white manta on the vertical loom,

      light-years since they walked out together

      to the tip of Walpi and saw the San Francisco Peaks.

      Goldfish swim in the pond in the back garden.

      The night-blooming cereus opens five white blossoms

      in a single night. He remembers looking

      through a telescope at craters, and craters

      inside craters on the moon. He recalls

      being startled at the thought, gravity precedes light.


      They searched and searched for a loggerhead shrike;

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