The Glass Constellation. Arthur Sze

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The Glass Constellation - Arthur Sze

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was about to come into being,

      when, x, a calico cat scratches at the door.


      When you stoop to examine a lichen but find

      alongside, barely exposed, several gold chanterelles,

      I bend to earth in my mind: observe striations

      along a white cap, absence of annulus, dig,

      unearth a volva. We go on in the woods

      and stumble into a cluster of teeth fungi

      with dark upturned scales on their caps.

      Who notices in the early morning Saturn slip

      behind a waning gibbous moon? This year,

      a creation spiral slowly incandesces in my hand.

      I slip a white elastic band off and loosen

      your hair, rub my thumb in your palm. I love

      when wet sunlight splashes your face, recall

      grilling shrimp near a corner of the screened porch

      while rain slants across the field. In the few

      weeks of a year when bloodred amanitas push

      out of the earth, we push into a splendor of

      yellow plumeria, orange hibiscus, bird-of-paradise.


      Pears ripen in a lacquer bowl on the butcher-

      block table. A red shimmer arcs across

      the northwest sky as a galaxy bends the light

      of a quasar. Yellow ranunculus unfold in a glass vase

      while fireflies blink in a corner of the yard.

      A physicist employs lasers and slows atoms

      down to approach absolute zero; a calligrapher

      draws the silk radical twice, then mountain,

      to form “the most shady recesses in the hills.”

      As the ink dries, she lights two red candles

      in the bedroom, notices near the curtains

      taro in the huge tin tub, and spots a curling leaf.

      He hears the gasp when he first unzipped

      her jeans, knows the small o is a lotus seed

      slowly germinating in his mind, but the

      brevity of equation makes him quiver and ache.

      When they turn to each other in a wet kiss,

      their fingertips glow in the skin of their days.

      FROM The Willow Wind


      Noah’s / Dove

      The moon is black.

      Had I a bird

      it would fly,

      beat the air into land.

      To remain

      or trust

      the silver leaves of the sea?

      What if

      I say what is:

      no bird, no land.

      The sea tossing

      its damp wet fish

      on the bow,

      their lungs exhaling

      the sea, taking in

      moon air

      for the first time …

      The Wood Whittler

      Whales and fish


      in the sky!

      Old saws! Old saws!

      Red flakes

      falling off the wood

      like leaves.


      The woodcutter

      pares the skin

      with a

      knowing hand.

      The blade—rude—

      will carve

      his / mind’s mastery

      in the /

      witless earth.

      Li Po


      The oars creaked in their locks.

      Fish beneath the moon.

      Cradled his pen

      filled with wine.

      A goddess stirred,

      rocked the cradle of his boat,

      let the silent fish know

      a dreamer’s silver hands were at work.

      Pegasus on a Pipe

      He would ride the moon,

      prod the slow seahorse with a cake of salt

      and when it broke sweat,

      urge it ease,


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