The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. Virgil
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And with a quhirl blew all the erth about.10
Thai ombeset the seys bustuusly,
Quhil fra the deip, til euery cost fast by,
The huge wallis weltris apon hie,
Rollit at anys with storm of wyndis thre,
Eurus, Nothus, and the wynd Affricus,15
Quhilkis est, south, and west wyndis hait with ws.
Sone efter this, of men the clamour rays,
The takillis graslis, cabillis can fret and frays.
Swith the clowdis, hevyn, son, and days lycht
Hyd, and byreft furth of the Troianys sycht;20
Dyrknes as nycht beset the seys about;
The firmament gan rummylling rair and rout,
The skyis oft lychtnyt with fyry levin,
And schortly bath ayr, sey, and hevin,
And euery thing mannasit the men to de,25
Schawand the ded present tofor thar E.
Quhou that Ene was with the tempest schaik,
And quhou Neptune his navy salvyt fra wraik.
Belive Eneas membris schuk for cald,
And murnand baith his handis vp did hald
Towart the sternys, with petuus voce thus gan say;
O sevin tymys quhou happy and blissit war thai,
Vnder hie wallis of Troy, by dynt of swerd,5
Deit in thar faderis syght, bytand the erd!
O thou of Grekis maist forcy Diomed,
Quhy mycht I not on feldis of Troy haue deit,
And by thi rycht hand ȝaldin furth my sprete?
Quhar that the valiant Hectour losit the swete10
On Achillis speir, and grisly Sarpedon,
And ondyr the flude Symois mony one
With schelde and helm stalwart bodeis lyis warpit.
And al invane thus quhil Eneas carpit,
A blastrand bub, out from the north brayng,15
Gan our the forschip in the bak saill dyng,
And to the sternys vp the flude gan cast;
The aris hechis, and the takillis brast;
The schippis stevin frawart hyr went gan wryth,
And turnyt hir braid syde to the wallis swyth.20
Heich as a hill the jaw of watir brak,
And in ane hepe cam on thame with a swak.
Sum hesit hoverand on the wallis hycht,
And sum the swowchand sey so law gart lycht,
Thame semyt the erd oppynnyt amyd the flude;
The stour vp bullyrrit sand as it war wode.
The sowth wynd Nothus thre schippis draif away
Amang blynd cragis, quhilk huge rolkis, thai say,
Amyd the sey, Italianys altaris callis;5
And othir thre Eurus from the deip wallis
Cachit amang the schald bankis of sand:
Dolorus to se thame chop on grond, and stand
Lyke as a wall with sand warpit about!
Ane othir, in quham salit the Lycianys stowt,10
Quhilum fallowis to kyng Pandor in weir,
And Orontes Eneas’ fallow deir,
Befor his eyn [hastelye] from the north wynd
Ane hydduus sey schippit at hir stern behynd,
Smate furth the skippar clepit Lewcaspis,15
His hed doune warpit; and the schip with this
Thrys thar the flude quhirlit about round,
The sowkand swelth sank vnder sey and drond.
On the huge deip quhoyn salaris dyd appeir;
The Troianys’ armour, tabillis, and othir geir20
Flet on the wallis: and the strang barge tho
Bair Ilioneus, and scho that bair also
Forcy Achates, and scho that bair Abas,
And scho quharin ancyant Alethes was,
The storm ourset, raif rovis and syde semys;25
They all lekkit, the salt watir stremys
Fast bullerand in at euery ryft and boyr.
In the meyn quhile, with mony rowt and royr
The sey thus trublit, and this tempest furth sent
Felt Neptune, and his watir movit and schent,30
The deip furthȝet in schaldis heir and thair;
Gretly commovit, out of the sey gan stair,
His plesand hede rasit on the hyast wall,
Lukand about, behaldis, the sey our all,
Eneas navy skatterit fer ysundir;5
With fludis ourset the Troianys, and at vnder
By flaggis and rayn dyd from the hevyn discend:
Junois dissate and ire full weill he kend.
He callis till hym Eurus and Zephirus,
Tha est and west wyndis, and said thame thus;10
Ar ȝe sa gretly assurit in ȝour hie kyn,
Ȝe wyndis, quod he, but my leif durst begyn