The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. Virgil

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2 - Virgil

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the iland swepit we onon

      With hillis ful of wynys, hait Naxon,

      By Donysa quhar growis the marbill greyn,

      And by Paron with his quhite marbill scheyn,30

      By Olearon, and mony ilis, but les,

      Skatterit in the sey, yclepit Cyclades;

      We slyde throu fludis endlang feil costis fayr.

      The noys vpsprang of mony marynar

      Byssy at thar wark, to takilling euery tow,5

      Thar feris exorting, with mony heys and how,

      To speid thame fast towart the realm of Crete,

      With thar forfaderis and progenitouris to mete.

      The followand wynd blew strek in our tail,

      Quhill finaly arrive we, with bent saill,10

      Apon the ancyant cost of Curetanys,

      A kynd of pepill quhilk into Crete remanys.

      And sone I me enfors with diligence

      To byg a wallit cite of defens;

      Pargamea I namyt it, but baid:15

      Our folkis than, that warryn blyth and glaid

      Of this kowth surname of our new cite,

      Exort I to graith howsis, and leif in le,

      And rays on hycht the strenth and fortales.

      Our schippis, or this, ful weil we gart adres,20

      And lay almaist apon the dry sand:

      The ȝong men fortil laubour thar new land,

      And in honour of wedlok, as is the gys,

      Makkis thar offerand and thar sacryfys,

      And I thar statutis and seyr lawis thame tawcht,25

      Assyngnand ilkane propir howsis and aucht.

      Quhen suddanly a cruel pest and traik,

      So that cornys and frutis goith to wraik,

      Throu the corruppit ayr and cowrs of hevyn,

      A dedly ȝeir, far wers than I kan nevin,30

      Fell on our membris with sik infectioun,

      Was na remeid, cure, nor correctioun;

      The sweit sawlis lefis the bodeis ded,

      Or seik thai ly gaspand in euery sted.

      And forthir eik, Syryvs, the frawart star,5

      Quhilk clepit is the syng canicular,

      So brynt the feildis al was barrand maid;

      Herbis wolx dry, wallowyng, and gan to faid;

      The seik grond denyis hys fruyt and fudis.

      My fader exortis ws turn agane our fludis10

      To Delos, and Apolloys answer speir,

      Besekyng hym of succurs ws to leir,

      Quhat end ontil our irksum panys he sendis,

      And be quhat way we mycht assay amendis

      Of this turbacioun, or quhidder and quhar that he15

      Wil at we seik or set our cowrs our see.

      CAP. III.

      Quhou Troiane goddys apperis tyll Enee,

      And how that he was stormstad on the see.

      Cummyn is the nycht, that euery beist on grond

      Desiris rest by kynd, and slepis sovnd;

      Quhen that the figuris of our goddis blist,

      And the Phrigiane Penates, or I wist,20

      Quhilkis from amyd the fyris of Troy I brocht

      Thidder with me, quhar I lay and slepit nocht,

      Gan to appeir standyng befor myne eyn:

      With ful gret lycht graithly I haue thame seyn,

      Quhar as the ful moyn schawing bemys brycht

      Inthrou the tyrlyst wyndo schane by nycht.

      Than said thai thus, with wordis to asswage5

      My thochtis and my hevy sad curage;

      That thing, quod thai, quhilk Apollo wald sa

      And thou war brocht onto Ortygia,

      Heir he the schawis, and eik, as thou may se,

      Onrequirit hes send ws hidder to the.10

      Quhen Troy was brynt, we followit thi prowes,

      Vnder thi gward to schip we ws addres,

      Ourspannand mony swelland seys salt;

      And to the starnys eik we sal exalt

      The childryn for tocum of thine ofspryng;15

      Thi cite sal we geif empyre to ryng

      Our al the erth: tharfor to goddis grete

      Begyn to graith gret wallis and ryal sete;

      Leif not thi langsum lavbour, bot fle away;

      This duelling place thou mon change, we the say:20

      Delyvs Apollo, certis, as thou thocht,

      Tocum onto this cost perswadit nocht,

      Nor chargit neuer in Crete thou suld remane.

      A land thar is, in Grekis langage plane

      Hesperya clepit, a bald cuntre in weir,25

      A fructuus grond of corn and riches seir,

      By kyng Onotryvs inhabit first with wyne,

      Bot in our days laitly, the fame is syne,

      Eftir thar duke it is namyt Italy:

      Thar beyn our propir setis and our herbry;30


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