The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force, and Royal Brunei Police

       Manpower availability:

       males 15-49, 75,330; 43,969 fit for military service; 2,595 reach military

       age (18) annually

       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - $233.1 million, 7.1% of GDP (1988)

      :Bulgaria Geography

      Total area:

       110,910 km2

       Land area:

       110,550 km2

       Comparative area:

       slightly larger than Tennessee

       Land boundaries:

       1,881 km; Greece 494 km, Macedonia 148 km, Romania 608 km, Serbia and

       Montenegro 318 km, Turkey 240 km


       354 km

       Maritime claims:

       Contiguous zone:

       24 nm

       Exclusive economic zone:

       200 nm

       Territorial sea:

       12 nm


       Macedonia question with Greece and Macedonia


       temperate; cold, damp winters; hot, dry summers


       mostly mountains with lowlands in north and south

       Natural resources:

       bauxite, copper, lead, zinc, coal, timber, arable land

       Land use:

       arable land 34%; permanent crops 3%; meadows and pastures 18%; forest and

       woodland 35%; other 10%; includes irrigated 11%


       subject to earthquakes, landslides; deforestation; air pollution


       strategic location near Turkish Straits; controls key land routes from

       Europe to Middle East and Asia

      :Bulgaria People


       8,869,161 (July 1992), growth rate —0.5% (1992)

       Birth rate:

       12 births/1,000 population (1992)

       Death rate:

       12 deaths/1,000 population (1992)

       Net migration rate:

       —5 migrants/1,000 population (1992)

       Infant mortality rate:

       13 deaths/1,000 live births (1992)

       Life expectancy at birth:

       69 years male, 76 years female (1992)

       Total fertility rate:

       1.7 children born/woman (1992)


       noun - Bulgarian(s); adjective - Bulgarian

       Ethnic divisions:

       Bulgarian 85.3%, Turk 8.5%, Gypsy 2.6%, Macedonian 2.5%, Armenian 0.3%,

       Russian 0.2%, other 0.6%


       Bulgarian Orthodox 85%; Muslim 13%; Jewish 0.8%; Roman Catholic 0.5%; Uniate

       Catholic 0.2%; Protestant, Gregorian-Armenian, and other 0.5%


       Bulgarian; secondary languages closely correspond to ethnic breakdown


       93% (male NA%, female NA%) age 15 and over can read and write (1970 est.)

       Labor force:

       4,300,000; industry 33%, agriculture 20%, other 47% (1987)

       Organized labor:

       Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (KNSB); Edinstvo

       (Unity) People's Trade Union (splinter confederation from KNSB); Podkrepa

       (Support) Labor Confederation, legally registered in January 1990

      :Bulgaria Government

      Long-form name:

       Republic of Bulgaria


       emerging democracy, diminishing Communist Party influence



       Administrative divisions:

       9 provinces (oblasti, singular - oblast); Burgas, Grad Sofiya, Khaskovo,

       Lovech, Mikhaylovgrad, Plovdiv, Razgrad, Sofiya, Varna


       22 September 1908 (from Ottoman Empire)


       adopted 12 July 1991

       Legal system:

       based on civil law system, with Soviet law influence; has accepted

       compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

       National holiday:

       3 March (1878)

       Executive branch:

       president, chairman of the Council of Ministers (premier), two deputy

       chairmen of the Council of Ministers, Council of Ministers

       Legislative branch:

       unicameral National Assembly (Narodno Sobranie)

       Judicial branch:

       Supreme Court; Constitutional Court



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