Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1. Группа авторов

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Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1 - Группа авторов

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of their authors, the key notions associated with the studies of innovation. Note that the last chapter of Volume 1 on “X-Innovation” is devoted to highlighting the complexity of the concept in order to open perspectives for future research on innovation.

      We would like to thank our colleagues Sophie Boutillier (University of the Littoral Opal Coast), Thierry Burger-Helmchen (University of Strasbourg), Vanessa Casadella (University of Picardie), Joëlle Forest (National Institution of Applied Sciences, Lyon), Michaël Laviolette (University of Lyon), Laure Morel (University of Lorraine), Francesco Schiavone (Parthenope University of Naples), Bérangère Szostak (University of Lorraine) and Corinne Tanguy (AgroSup-Dijon) for their contribution to the conception of this book.

      We express our gratitude to our colleague Laurent Adatto for his contribution to the finalization of this important project.

      Finally, it is important to mention the contribution of our colleague Blandine Laperche, President of the Research Network on Innovation, to the realization of this project. We express our gratitude and best wishes to her.

      Introduction written by Dimitri UZUNIDIS and Fedoua KASMI.


      Economy – Innovation Economics and the Dynamics of Interactions

      1.1. Introduction

      Capitalism cannot and will never be stationary, Schumpeter once said. In a process of “creative destruction”, the technologies of the present become obsolete, while innovations emerge and feed new economic cycles. Economic history (Braudel 1979) clearly shows new combinations of production factors: products, production processes, sources of raw materials and semi-finished products, organization of work and markets. In short, innovations have fueled economic growth. Since the 18th century, a number of economists, such as A. Smith, J.B. Say, D. Ricardo, T.R. Malthus, K. Marx, etc., have provided the conceptual bases on which the economic theories of innovation have been developed.

      Innovation economics was born in the wake of the industrial economy, in the aftermath of World War II. The neoclassical approach first considered technical progress as an exogenous phenomenon, a residue of the production function in models of economic growth (Solow 1956, 1957), and the economists were mainly interested in its effects on the economy, especially on employment. But the recognition of its role in economic growth and evolution, in the wake of the work of J.A. Schumpeter, led them to study in greater detail the mechanisms of its genesis, at the micro, meso and macro levels.

      For their part, endogenous growth theories (Romer 1994) study technical progress as the result of private and public investment in the sphere of the economy, particularly in knowledge, infrastructure and human capital. Private investments are made by individuals motivated by profit. Economic growth is then determined by the behavior of economic agents and macroeconomic factors. The field of public policy then becomes paramount, and theoretical work calls for the replacement of big scientific and technical programs that marked the post-war period by more indirect modes of intervention. They are based, on the one hand, on the framework conditions for innovation (by strengthening the components and interactions within innovation systems), and, on the other hand, on incentives to invest and innovate, particularly for firms. This results in positive externalities, which can be seen as the basis for justifying government intervention.

      This contribution looks back at some of the evolutions of the major issues of innovation economics. In the first part of the chapter, we attempt to define and develop the meaning of the word innovation, with a particular interest in the work of J.A. Schumpeter. Then, in the second part, we look at the difficult issue of measuring innovation, in particular because of its multifaceted nature. The identification of the key actors of innovation (entrepreneurs, large companies, as well as universities, so-called third places) is the subject of the third part. It reveals their diversity and the need for their interaction to ensure both the production and the diffusion of innovation. The fourth part of this chapter is devoted to the question of these systemic relationships and to the evolution of policies dedicated to strengthening them.

      J. A. Schumpeter is considered the first economist to use and construct an economic theory of innovation. Yet, before him, classical economists were largely interested in the changes brought about by technical progress, a term found in the writings of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J.B. Say and K. Marx, to name but a few. At the beginning of the 19th century, Saint-Simonism (H. de Saint-Simon, 1760–1825) widely popularized the idea that technical progress (via “industrialism”) was the necessary condition for improving the well-being of humanity. Moreover, as pointed out by B. Godin (2014), the sociologist G. Tarde (1843–1904) is often mentioned as the first to have devoted theoretical writings to innovation at the end of the 19th century. In The Theory of Economic Development (1981), Schumpeter considers that evolution results from the implementation of new combinations of means of production: the manufacture of a new good, the introduction of a new production method, the opening of a new outlet, the conquest of a new source of raw materials or of semi-finished products, the realization of a new organization, such as the creation of a monopoly situation. The importance of this definition and, more generally, of the Schumpeterian analysis of innovation can be explained by several arguments, which we present below:

      First of all, this definition is important because, for the first time, it distinguished the various forms that innovation can take, without reducing it to technology. This variety is central to the contemporary definition proposed by the OECD in the Oslo Manual (OECD 2005), which distinguishes the product, process, new business method and new organizational method (OECD 2005). The most recent definition (OECD 2018) focuses on the enterprise and simplifies this definition by distinguishing product and business process innovation (OECD 2019). The notion of “business” processes refers to the traditional functions of the enterprise. It brings together process, and the organizational and marketing innovations defined in previous versions of the manual.

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