Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1. Группа авторов

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Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1 - Группа авторов

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2019), which consequently influences work in innovation management. In the case of the “top-down” movement, it is a question of relational marketing (establishment of lasting relationships with the consumer) or marketing knowledge (mobilization and development of customer skills), whereas in the case of the “bottom-up” movement, it is more the notions of consumerism (or consumer resistance) or engagement (involvement of the customer beyond the transaction). However, the notion of brand community (a group of customers attached to the same brand values) is present in both, knowing that the “bottom-up” movement is favored by information and communication technologies, and, more broadly, by digital technology. Indeed, social media, evaluation platforms and online petitions reinforce the power of the consumer in the face of the organization (Fleck and Ambroise 2019). Ignoring this becomes impossible and, above all, a strategic error with serious consequences.

      2.4.2. Appropriation of innovation by the members of the organization

      A major obstacle in innovation within organizations is often the organization itself, especially its members. Indeed, as Kotter (2016) makes explicit, when faced with novelty, these members express fears and may not adhere to it, not because of the poor quality of the innovation itself, but because of power games, the refusal to have their routines disrupted or to lose their resources, etc. Royer (2002) shows that this phenomenon is all the more important when we are at the beginning of the innovation process, at the time of the idea, when decision-making is essentially socio-political. Indeed, tangible and measurable results are hardly conceivable, hence the significance of fears and doubts. Little by little, the decision becomes rational, because the innovation achieves its material dimension: the actors can experiment, test, discuss and measure it more. Although this state of affairs has been investigated by major authors such as Akrich et al. (1988a, 1988b) or Burgelman (1983), it is still relevant today. Indeed, the subject is not exhausted insofar as contemporary organizations are confronted with major changes, be they economic, social or environmental (Gay and Szostak 2019), as well as health crises. We note that all of this calls the classic status of the innovation champion, leader or manager as the bearer of innovation into question. For example, in some organizations, they are becoming collective and protean.

      That said, they remain men and women, subject to questioning in the face of change. And the appropriation of innovation can be difficult, to the point of making it impossible. It is also important to think about how this appropriation will take place. For example, making the innovation one’s own may involve discursive strategies (convincing through rhetorical arguments) (Suddaby and Greenwood 2005) or mobilizing employees themselves in the decision-making process (Defélix et al. 2015). Another modality consists of integrating it into already existing practices, in order to limit the effect of novelty (Gay and Szostak 2019). This is how companies develop design thinking, not only to develop innovations, but also to engage the members of the organization in the search for insights and the collection and selection of new ideas. Others exploit prototyping practices to materialize ideas and make them tangible to facilitate discussions. In the end, ownership of innovation by members of the organization is a sine qua non for innovation, echoing Churchill, to reach for the moon. Another condition to consider concerns a final actor: the owners of the innovation, who have allocated resources to the development of the innovation.

      2.4.3. Capturing the value of innovation

      While in the previous subsections more emphasis has been placed on the social and societal dimensions of the issue of appropriation of innovation, it should be recalled that this phenomenon also refers to the capture of the economic value of innovation. Indeed, organizations innovate to generate a difference from their competitors; they seek to increase the number of customers, revenues and economic results. This is how intellectual property comes into play in the subject at hand.

      While these appropriation modalities primarily aim at the full capture of economic value, other modalities develop the idea that property rights are not a monolithic whole, but a bundle of rights. According to Schlager and Ostrom (1992), there is the right of access, the right to harvest, the right of management, the right to exclude and the right to alienate. This is the current of “creative commons”, which is similar to the culture of the “free” (Broca and Coriat 2015). Thus, the different rights may be held by different actors, which leads innovation management, to consider the question of appropriating the value of innovation from a different, but complementary, angle. Indeed, free movement does not question intellectual property, since it uses its foundations (Binctin 2015). On the contrary, it poses new challenges for organizations, and also for the regulator, notably on the question of the distribution of rights between actors and on the rules to be retained in this perspective. It could encourage better recognition of the contributions of employees,

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