OKR. Roman Simschek

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OKR - Roman Simschek

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with a framework for maximizing performance and contributing to the overall business objectives by providing resources, offering support and solving problems as they arise.


to drastically reduce personal responsibility and decisions that have to be made independently among the employees.

      [9]Which statement regarding "Servant Leadership" is correct?


Servant leaders always act in the interest of their business unit.


It is a term of modern leadership styles, which has its origin in the past phases of digitalization and organizational adaption to modern markets.


Describes a modern leadership style, which illustrates how leadership could look like in an agile context.


A management style that promotes interest in its leading employees and their development.

      [10] Which of the listed statements are wrong?


Together with the values and the backlog, OKRs form the operational part of the mission statement pyramid.


A vision should always be formulated in such a way that it can be achieved one day.


All of them.


Values refer in particular to the internal cooperation within the company.

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