A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 Volume Set. Группа авторов

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A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 Volume Set - Группа авторов

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documents, most of which are Neo‐Babylonian (the latest known text dates to the third year of Darius I; Pedersén 2005: p. 252); there is also an uncertain number of library texts. From the Amran section of Babylon come several badly‐defined groups of archival texts, including Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic texts, as well as some literary tablets. The Esangila temple, which is situated in this area but was barely excavated, yielded only eight tablets, of which only one is dated (to the reign of Cambyses). From the Sahn area (where the temple tower, Etemenanki, was situated), assorted Neo‐Babylonian and early Achaemenid material was recovered, but no later texts.



      This northern Babylonian city is one of the few find spots that have not produced important documentation from the Early Achaemenid period but have produced Late Achaemenid material: several small private archives of well‐to‐do Cuthean families from this period are housed in the British Museum. One group also contains retroacts dating back to the reign of Darius I. The texts are mostly relevant for the light they shed on the urban structure of the city, the price levels of the periods, and the indications regarding the continuing importance of the Emeslam, the chief temple of the Cutha (Jursa 2005b: pp. 97–98).


      Excavations have yielded several small archives, both private and institutional (Jursa 2005b: pp. 102–107). Three private groups date to the Early Achaemenid period: the archive of the sons of Nabû‐ušallim (ending in 484 BCE) and the Eppēš‐ilī and Rē’i‐alpi archives. Late Achaemenid groups include the archive of a slave engaged in various types of business (Bēl‐ana‐mēreentityti), the archive of an entrepreneur working mostly in the area of agriculture (Mušallim‐Bēl), and a group of tablets associated with the property of a high royal official (rab umma) of Babylonian origin (Lâbâši). Finally, there is a group of texts associated with the administration of the main temple of Kiš, the Edubba. The bulk of the material consists of ration lists that date to the reign of an Artaxerxes, hence the late fifth or to the fourth century BCE. This group is interesting for the close formal parallels to the contemporary Esangila archive from Babylon.


      Only a small group of tablets dating to the reign of Darius I is of relevance here. These texts document the management of royal estates by a Babylonian businessman (Jursa 2005b: p. 102).


      From this city in the far south come several (unpublished) contracts, school texts, and administrative documents from a Ningal temple. The extant dated material stems from the reign of Darius I (Jursa 2005b: p. 102).


      This important city on the Euphrates yielded one archive belonging to the “end‐of‐archives” group. It belonged to the Dābibī, a family of priests and temple officials employed in the E‐imbi‐Anu, the main temple of the city. The texts include some property documents of the family's core archive as well as records having a bearing on the administration of the E‐imbi‐Anu temple during the reign of Darius I (Jursa 2005b: pp. 98–99). Some Late Achaemenid texts that were written in Dilbat are known, but they do not form a coherent group (Stolper 1992).


      The textual record from this central town (Jursa 2005b: pp. 110–116) in central Babylonia has played an important role in the history of research on Achaemenid Babylonia owing to the presence of the Murašû archive, probably the single most important source of information on late fifth‐century BCE Babylonia, and certainly the best studied (Stolper 1985; Donbaz and Stolper 1997). Yet the site cannot serve as a paradigm for all of Babylonia owing to the isolated position of the city and to its – relatively speaking – economic “backwardness” during much of the first millennium BCE (Jursa 2010: pp. 405–418).


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