Soil Health Analysis, Set. Группа авторов

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Soil Health Analysis, Set - Группа авторов

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on plant nutrition and ultimately the effects on human health (Robinson et al., 2017).

      Discussions of soil assessment often focus on the suitability of indicators or attribute data but fail to adequately address the metadata (Bünemann et al., 2018). Attribute data reflects the anticipated or actual response to management practices and are related to indices of soil health (Askari & Holden, 2015). However, metadata provides the information needed to establish a context for accurately interpreting indicator data, thereby facilitating synthesis and integration of experimental results across time and/or space.

      Furthermore, an excellent example of both the importance and use of metadata can be found by examining the USDA–ARS Greenhouse Reduction through Agricultural Enhancement network (GRACEnet) protocols. GRACEnet was developed to answer questions related to agricultural soil C stocks in the context of greenhouse gas mitigation (Del Grosso et al., 2013; Jawson, Shafer, Franzluebbers, Parkin, & Follett, 2005; Liebig, Franzluebbers, & Follett, 2012, p. 547). When organizing this large, complex, multisite project, empirical data collectors, data users, data synthesizer, and modelers worked together to identify the metadata they considered necessary to interpret and model the attribute data. The output of GRACEnet organization meetings established a set of metadata and indicator (measurement) data that can be used to assess the impact of management on soil organic C (SOC). The linkage between SOC and soil health through metadata was first emphasized by Doran (2002), because it is the metadata that can help to logically interpret SOC changes and their effect on soil health.

      Site Description

      Site description includes high‐level information needed to understand whether soil properties and processes are static or change slowly (Liebig, Varvel, & Honeycutt, 2010) at a given site. This includes location, soil characteristics, experimental objectives and design, and climatic and weather data.

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Site description
Location Soil characterization Experimental descriptors Climatic data Weather
City, state, country soil taxonomic description experimental design mean annual temperature nearest weather station location
Latitude, longitude, and elevation number of replications or blocks mean annual precipitation
Topography (e.g., flat, rolling hills, glacial moraine), slope % soil type site size characteristic climate descriptor (e.g., temperate moist)
Major Land Resource Areaa soil texture plot size
Native vegetation bulk density treatments
Drainage pH study duration (or start/end dates)
soil C, N, P, and K
Rainfed or irrigated water‐holding capacity
Tillage Crop system Agricultural amendments Crop management Livestock
Type crop(s) type method animal species
Depth crop rotation active ingredient residue management animal class
Frequency cropping history rate planting data (crop, cultivar) date, rate, depth, method, row spacing, cultivar) stocking rate
Date cover crop