Soil Health Analysis, Set. Группа авторов
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The categorial data used in several meta‐analyses correspond to the metadata recommended in Table 4.1. For example, a meta‐analysis of soil microbial biomass response to C amendments included the following categorical or metadata: microbial biomass method, crop type, cropping system, years of application, type of amendment, soil pH, soil organic content, clay content by depth interval, rate of C input, and rate of N inputs via organic amendments (Kallenbach & Grandy, 2011). Another meta‐analysis used soil pH, texture, SOC, and biochar production conditions (feedstock, pyrolysis temperature) and application rate, plus experiment type (field or pot) and study duration to understand soil microbial biomass responses (Zhou et al., 2017). Laganière, Angers, and Paré (2010) included previous land use, climatic zone, clay content, soil pH, pre‐planting disturbance, plantation density, and tree species planted in a meta‐analysis assessing C accumulation due to afforestation of former agricultural soils. Mahal, Castellan, and Miguez (2018) conducted a meta‐analysis using potential mineralizable N as a soil health indicator and an extensive cadre of metadata including crop type, fertilizer type and rate, cover crop, tillage system, and duration of the experiment in years plus documentation of the incubation method, soil sampling time, soil sampling depth, soil type (texture), pH, bulk density, soil organic matter, SOC, soil total N, NO3 and NH4 concentrations, mean annual temperature and precipitation, crop yield, and state and country where the study was conducted.
This chapter emphasizes the importance of collecting metadata that provide adequate information to support the wide range of soil biological, chemical, and physical measurements being quantified for various soil health assessments. Examples of metadata or categorical data that may be useful are suggested but should not be viewed as either extensive or exhaustive. Furthermore, it should not be considered necessary to record every item in the list but rather those data that may contribute to understanding the range of soil health indices being measured for a specific assessment.
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7 Kallenbach, C., & Grandy, A. S. (2011). Controls over soil microbial biomass responses to carbon amendments in agricultural systems: A meta‐analysis. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 144, 241–252.
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