Generalized Ordinary Differential Equations in Abstract Spaces and Applications. Группа авторов
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The next result is a consequence of the fact that
Corollary 1.99: All functions of are absolutely.integrable
The reader can find a proof of the next lemma in [35, Theorem 9].
Lemma 1.100: All functions of are.measurable
Finally, we can prove the following inclusion.
Theorem 1.101:
Proof. The result follows from the facts that all functions of
As we mentioned before, the inclusion
Proposition 1.102 (Hönig): If is an infinite dimensional Banach space, then there exists .
Proof. Let
and this completes the proof.
In the next example, borrowed from [73, Example 3.4], we exhibit a Banach space-valued function which is integrable in the variational Henstock sense and also in the sense of Kurzweil–McShane. Nevertheless, it is not absolutely integrable.
Example 1.103: Let
which is summable in