A Short History of French Literature. Saintsbury George

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A Short History of French Literature - Saintsbury George

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of the satirical kind, chiefly noteworthy for the brilliant use which Villon made of the tradition of composing them, resveries and fatrasies (nonsense poems with a more or less satirical drift), parodies of the offices of the Church, of its sermons, of the miracle plays, are the chief remaining divisions of the poetry which, under a light and scoffing envelope, conceals a serious purpose.

      Didactic verse. Philippe de Thaun.

      Such things have at all times been composed in verse, and the reason is sufficiently obvious. In the first place, the intention of the writers is to a certain extent masked, and in the second, the reader's attention is attracted. But the middle ages by no means confined the use of verse to such cases. Downright instruction was, as often as not, the object of the verse writer in those days. The earliest, and as such the most curious of didactic poems, are those of Philippe de Thaun, an Englishman of Norman extraction, who wrote in the first quarter of the twelfth century. His two works are a Comput, or Chronological Treatise, dedicated to an uncle of his, who was chaplain to Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, and a Bestiary, or Zoological Catalogue, dedicated to Adela of Louvain, the wife of Henry the First. Written before the vogue of the versified Arthurian Romances had consecrated the octosyllable, these poems are in couplets of six syllables. Their great age, and to a certain extent their literary merit, deserve an extract: —

      Monosceros est beste,

      un corn ad en la teste,

      pur çeo ad si a nun.

      de buc ele ad façun.

      par pucele eat prise,

      or oëz en quel guise,

      quant hom le volt cacer

      et prendre et enginner,

      si vent horn al orest

      u sis repaires est;

      la met une pucele

      hors de sein sa mamele,

      e par odurement

      monosceros la sent;

      dune vent a la pucele,

      si baiset sa mamele,

      en sun devant se dort,

      issi vent a sa mort;

      li hom survent atant,

      ki l'ocit en dormant,

      u trestut vif le prent,

      si fait puis sun talent.

      grant chose signefie,

      ne larei nel vus die.

      Monosceros griu est,

      en franceis un-corn est:

      beste de tel baillie

      Jhesu Crist signefie;

      un deu est e serat

      e fud e parmaindrat;

      en la virgine se mist,

      e pur hom charn i prist,

      e pur virginited,

      pur mustrer casteed,

      a virgine se parut

      e virgine le conceut.

      virgine est e serat

      e tuz jurz parmaindrat.

      ores oëz brefment

      le signefïement.

      Ceste beste en verté

      nus signefie dé;

      la virgine signefie,

      sacez, sancte Marie;

      par sa mamele entent

      sancte eglise ensement;

      e puis par le baiser

      çeo deit signefïer,

      que hom quant il se dort

      en semblance est de mort:

      dés cum home dormi,

      ki en cruiz mort sufri,

      ert sa destructïun

      nostre redemptïun,

      e sun traveillement

      nostre reposement.

      si deceut dés dïable

      par semblant cuvenable;

      anme e cors sunt un,

      issi fud dés et hum,

      e içeo signefie

      beste de tel baillie.

       Bestiaries and Computs (the French title of the Chronologies) were for some time the favourites with didactic verse writers, but before long the whole encyclopædia, as it was then understood, was turned into verse. Astrology, hunting, geography, law, medicine, history, the art of war, all had their treatises; and latterly Trésors, or complete popular educators, as they would be called nowadays, were composed, the best-known of which is that of Walter of Metz in 1245.

      Moral and Theological verse.

      All, or almost all, these works, written as they were in an age sincerely pious, if somewhat grotesque in its piety, and theoretically moral, if somewhat loose in its practice, contained not only abundant moralising, but also more or less theology of the mystical kind. It would therefore have been strange if ethics and theology themselves had wanted special exponents in verse. Before the middle of the twelfth century Samson of Nanteuil (again an Englishman by residence) had versified the Proverbs of Solomon, and in the latter half of the same century vernacular lives of the saints begin to be numerous. Perhaps the most popular of these was the legend of Barlaam and Josaphat, of which the fullest poetical form has been left us by an English trouvère of the thirteenth century named Chardry, by whom we have also a verse rendering of the 'Seven Sleepers,' and some other poems84. Somewhat earlier, Hermann of Valenciennes was a fertile author of this sort of work, composing a great Bible de Sapience or versification of the Old Testament, and a large number of lives of saints. Of books of Eastern origin, one of the most important was the Castoiement d'un Père à son Fils, which comes from the Panchatantra, though not directly. The translated work had great vogue, and set the example of other Castoiements or warnings. The monk Helinand at the end of the twelfth century composed a poem on 'Death,' and a vast number of similar poems might be mentioned. The commonest perhaps of all is a dialogue Des trois Morts et des trois Vifs, which exists in an astonishing number of variants. Gradually the tone of all this work becomes more and more allegorical. Dreams, Mirrors, Castles, such as the 'Castle of Seven Flowers,' a poem on the virtues, make their appearance.

      Allegorical verse.

      The Roman de la Rose.

      The question of the origin of this habit of allegorising and personification is one which has been often incidentally discussed by literary historians, but which has never been exhaustively treated. It is certain that, at a very early period in the middle ages, it makes its appearance, though it is not in full flourishing until the thirteenth century. It seems to have been a reflection in light literature of the same attitude of mind which led to the development of the scholastic philosophy, and, as in the case of that philosophy, Byzantine and Eastern influences may have been at work. Certain it is that in some of the later Greek romances85, something very like the imagery of the Roman de la Rose is discoverable. Perhaps, however, we need not look further than to the natural result of leisure, mental activity, and literary skill, working upon a very small stock of positive knowledge, and restrained by circumstances within a very narrow range of employment. However this may be, the allegorising habit manifests itself recognisably enough in French literature towards the close of the twelfth century. In the Méraugis de Portlesguez of Raoul de Houdenc, the passion for arguing out abstract questions of lovelore is exemplified, and in the Roman des Eles of the same author the knightly virtues are definitely personified, or at least

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Well edited by Koch. Heilbronn, 1879.


See especially Hysminias and Hysmine.