The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

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The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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from what is happening in Foros (Crimea). The coup fails. December 8, 1991. The Presidents of the RSFSR, Belarus and Ukraine, under vodka and shish kebabs (and under the spetsnaz sight) sign the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the termination of the existence of the USSR (and the creation of the CIS). Mikhail Sergeyevich, still the President of the USSR (although not the General Secretary of the CPSU), has the right to challenge this decision (including by force). However, he refuses to give the order for the arrest of the presidents-accomplices; referring to the fact that the next Congress of People’s Deputies will democratically cancel this (not quite legitimate) decision. Yes, of course, groups of people’s representatives are gathering, the Supreme Court is entering the case, sluggish debate is beginning… but all this, friends, is rather confusing and uninteresting. However that may be, on December 25, 1991 the Council of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (and, also, the heads of the eleven Union republics) adopt a declaration on the termination of the existence of the USSR. At the same time, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev automatically loses the status of President…

      The next experiment on the creation of the Earthly Paradise is coming to an end.

      Personal life. Wife – Raisa Maksimovna (Titarenko), since 1953, daughter. After the death of his wife in 1999 from leukemia, Mikhail Gorbachev formed a fund named after Raisa Maksimovna. Collected for the treatment of cancer patients children, 10 million pounds sterling, are given, of course, to the Paris Foundation. Marie Curie. The remaining 100 thousand pounds are divided in half between the London and St. Petersburg oncology clinics. It is absolutely clear to Mikhail Sergeyevich that in Western Europe things are much worse with health care, and children are much more valuable than in the Russian Federation of the 1990s.

      Gorbachev lives permanently in Germany (for which he saved the above-mentioned, considerable sum), in a 17-room villa (Bavaria), it happens in other countries of the Far Abroad. Yes, more, it seems, from sporting interest, than for the sake of money, he is removed in advertising Pizza Hut, Louis Vuitton (suitcases), and, also, the Austrian railways.

      Some addition: both the grandfather of Mikhail Sergeyevich, hard-working peasants, were repressed (one miracle survived). His grandfather was shot by one grandfather, and his grandmother died of starvation. Approximately such a marital status – ask, for example, their own, no longer very young acquaintances, distributed throughout the former Soviet Union. Of course, the past knocks on the subconscious, whispers inaudible, and sometimes yells: “This system, all evil, sure of their own right, no one listening to people – no.”

      Significant figures of the post-Soviet Russia

      Boris Berezovsky, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Alexy II

      Boris Berezovsky

      Boris Berezovsky. Birth – 1946, Moscow… study in the English (with in-depth study of the English language) special school… then at the Moscow Forestry Institute (the Faculty of Electronics and Counting and Decision Technology) … joining the Komsomol and the CPSU. In 1968—1969 years. – Work as an engineer at the Research Institute of Testing Machines, then as an engineer, research fellow, head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Control Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1973 – graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, as well as post-graduate courses at the Institute of Management Problems, project management for the implementation of automated control systems at AvtoVAZ. 1983 (already significantly less “Soviet” year) – defense of a doctoral dissertation in the specialization “Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory” … cooperation with the newspaper “Soviet Russia”. In this period, according to Berezovsky, he is more than ever happy after all.

      In 1989, already, almost post-perestroika, the interim year, Berezovsky creates “LogoVAZ” – an enterprise engaged in the sale of VAZ, withdrawn from foreign car dealerships. Since 1994, the time of the already obvious “wild capitalism” Boris Abramovich is the head of the “Automobile All-Russian Alliance” (AVVA), in general, quite successfully producing cars (in particular, declared “popular”, but, perhaps, never became them, Chevrolet Niva – “Shnyava”). The businessman’s interests are not limited to the overwhelming majority of “new Russians”, eating black caviar, buying new residential areas, and open access to elite prostitutes. The highest interest is politics, the continuation of one’s “I” in other people. In 1995, Boris Abramovich participates in the creation of Public Russian Television (ORT), and is on the board of its directors. Later he creates or acquires such socially important media as the Publishing House Kommersant, TV-6, Our Radio, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Avtopilot, Molotok, Ogonyok, and others.

      Since 1996, according to the general movement to possess “black gold”, Berezovsky is a member of the board of directors of Sibneft.

      At the same time, BAB becomes Deputy Secretary of Security of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the CIS. The businessman finances the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, considers it possible to give many “useful advice”. For example, he (and also his accomplice, oligarch, well-known Arkady (Badri) Patkratsishvili, with their same, uncontested words) recommends the first President of the Russian Federation his longtime friend, Vladimir Putin as a successor. Councils are accepted, however, the communication between the Yeltsin family and the “gray cardinal” takes place without special sincerity. It seems that Berezovsky realizes this, and, just in case, to monitor the situation, gradually prepares the alternatives for eliminating the highest state officials from power.

      In September 2001, who do not want to be eliminated in any case, the authorities of the Russian Federation are charging Berezovsky with an absentee accusation of embezzling Aeroflot’s money and are being announced for an international search. B.A.B. is at this moment abroad, where his relations with the law are also bad; and prefers, after all, to stay in the UK. Here he, in particular, writes the proclamations, which are then quoted on the Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy (2012), such as “An Open Letter Born Not in the USSR”. The main sense – “replacement of an ineffective socio-political structure of society in a progressive way” may be relevant, but, it is indicated, my friends, clearly not the person you want to listen to.

      In 2004, Berezovsky participates in the financing of the presidential campaign in Ukraine, directly directs the actions of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, and his associate, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The idea here is, as it were, democratic transformations in this country – which should be followed by corresponding progress in Russia. Changes in Ukraine do happen. But, apparently, by what kind of people these or those processes are being implemented – is also very important. There is democracy – power, carried out by quite conscious, principled (I add from myself – kind) citizens, and – okhlokratiya. You understand.

      Berezovsky is a mystery man of the twenty-first century. This body, constantly residing in a fussy movement, rubbing its hands, is the arena of a fierce, apocalyptic struggle between good and evil.

      According to some reports, Boris Abramovich is baptized in Israel, others – in Russia (after the failed assassination attempt on his person). In 2012, he announces the establishment of the “Movement of Resurrection”, and the beginning of the construction of the “Christian Democratic Revolutionary Party of Russia.” “Only the belief of citizens in fundamental Christian values – love and freedom – can save Russia … … The main consequence of the total transparency of relations between people is the inevitability of refusing to lie. This is the exorcism of the devil. The devil is a “liar and father of lies” (John 8:44). Subtlety and lies are the foundation of any authoritarian political

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