The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

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The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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The main thing is that the Russian official is installed on the fact that he is simply obliged to prohibit something, not to cultivate, and to promote a useful work.

      In 2013, in response to the “Magnitsky list”, which freezes foreign accounts of the figures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Arbitration Court and the Prosecutor General’s Office, involved in frauds with money laundering and the murder of lawyer S. Magnitsky with the pre-trial detention center, n. “The law of Dima Yakovlev.” The countries of the USA and Western Europe are deprived of the right to adopt Russian children (whom no one else in the Russian Federation wants to take) children.

      The law is given the name of a Russian boy who died in the US as a result of a tragic accident. Meanwhile, from 1991 to 2006 in Russia 92 thousand children were adopted, in North America and Western Europe – 160 thousand. In Russian families only 1,202 children die in official statistics (not taking into account the lethal outcome of various diseases) during this period. In addition, in the USA and Europe, “refuseniks” are usually seriously ill, disproportionately better medical care (survival is three times higher). Thus, all those people who are involved in the enactment of the law of Dima Yakovlev (in a society known as the “Law of King Herod”) are the cause of the painful death of at least 400 (chained to hospital beds) children per year.

      …Yes, we (almost) all very much loved Vladimir Putin. It was, it was, my friends. More than even Gorbachev and Yeltsin, until about the middle of their term of government. And, perhaps, “the law of King Herod” was the first, barely audible bell “here something is wrong.”

      One more thing… The president states that “there are no troops in the Crimea”. Maybe this is an important tactical move. The game with the words “troops – special forces”. We are sure that the reunion of the Crimea is a sure and inevitable step, due to the fact that part of Russia, alas, can be directly influenced by the Evil One. For the sake of getting rid of sweeps of the Crimea, the voluntary neo-Nazi battalions of Ukraine can be paid a serious price. But the President is deceiving. Open. International community. We are with you.

      We can say everything as it is, and we would have agreed. But, the beginning of the Big Lie is laid. Lying is transmitted to the lower layers of power. Further – there are secret burials of the heroes of Russia who died in the Donbass (photos piled in four layers, where in the medical unit, the remaining nameless people). You know, friends, it’s hard … to see on the corpses distinctive signs … a homemade emblem, a scarf, one must think, someone given, something that was once important to this person, and all the like. In Syria, in less than four hours, 400—500 fighters of the Private Military Company of Wagner (registration in Argentina) are killed, who were left without air cover, and, at the request of the Coalition declared by the signalman as “nonexistent”. They are beaten as defenseless kittens by military drones of Americans. You can find these frames on the web, what the whole world saw. But, the Russian Foreign Ministry (the notorious Zakharova), the Press Secretary of the President Peskov again broadcasts something unintelligible.

      …In March 2014 in Crimea, a referendum on accession to Russia is held. The Russian Armed Forces support this endeavor. All is correct, otherwise the sunny peninsula can turn into one big Odessa House of Trade Unions. Ukraine is deeply mentally ill (even more so than Russia). Whatever it was, the countries of the West are imposing sanctions against Russia. Foreign banks stop lending to some Russian enterprises. Its gold and currency assets in the Russian Federation are hundreds of billions of Euros-dollars, but they are kept (so that they are not stolen), in securities of the same Europe and North America (for interest percentages per annum). In one way or another, the President and his oligarchic friends seem to take this attitude very offensively, and then, of course, they introduce “unsanctions”. The main purpose is to establish an “iron curtain” for foreign food products, medicines and certain types of high-tech products. The damage to the people of Russia from the “unsanctions” of the President exceeds the damage from sanctions (if it exists at all) in tens or hundreds of times.

      The third bell is a demonstrative destruction of foodstuffs stopped at the customs. It’s strange that all this blasphemy is permitted by a man whose own brother died of hunger and disease in besieged Leningrad. Then all these calls merge into a single alarming buzz. The entry of troops into Syria results in the death of people, considerable financial expenses, deprivation of citizens of the Russian Federation for an inexpensive and high-quality holiday in Egypt, then Turkey.

      In August 2016, contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws that emanate from Moscow, then (the imitative principle in an authoritarian society) and regions, the second, most powerful wave of demolition of the so-called “self-construction” is rolled. To build something autocratically in the capital is impossible in principle. These buildings are quite necessary for citizens, for the erection of cafes – retail outlets, etc., there is permission from state structures – but this is all simply not interesting to the resurgent System. The third, already rising wave is the total demolition of 5,17 thousand good Moscow five-story houses (together with infrastructure facilities, schools, kindergartens and hospitals), the construction of skyscrapers – to which of the all-Russian budget in the pocket of “Putin’s friends”, the Rothenberg brothers, without special obstacles are allocated 55 billion dollars.

      “National Champions” V. Putin – commodity campaigns. We do not know for sure whether the ultimate enlargement of these political and economic entities has led to an increase in labor productivity. Compare, in general, there is nothing. Perhaps, it is due to its specificity (taken out of the ground – quickly sold) raw mastodons are devoid of any creativity of thinking, and are not able to lead the country along the path of development, as they say, of innovative technologies. In total, 110 “Friends of Putin” – billionaires, who have ridden raw materials, have at their disposal at least 35% of the national wealth of the country. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in the offshore (or simply, abroad) 75% of the national income of the country is deduced. Most of the financial transactions are made outside the Russian Federation. Money is not something that is derived from the Russian Federation, they are simply there, and do not even look. All this makes Putin’s Russia very much like a raw-material colony of the United States and Great Britain (how many serious money transactions on the territory of the Russian Federation are conducted through the Bank of England offices in the British Virgin Islands).

      There is a “rearmament of the Army”. For this purpose, not less than 22 trillion is allocated. rubles (2, 2 trillion rubles, 42 billion dollars a year). The annual expenditure on health care is 0.6 trillion. R. Note that a significant number of so-called. “Defense enterprises” – private, some – state, and there is “a mixed type.” The prices for their products are set arbitrarily. The procurement procedure is completely opaque. Yes, it may seem to you that everything is all right, it’s a military secret, but, in fact, even at the edge of consciousness, you do understand that we are being deceived again and again? A significant part of strategic enterprises actually belongs to foreigners. There, abroad, our money is leaking out so easily. Television, the Internet is sometimes shown by some new miracle tank, or a projected PAK-FA airplane, but, in fact, these things are either stuck (on the Red Square, in preparation for the parade), or fly like that at all wrong. The current basis for arming the Russian Army is Soviet technology. Yes, it is modernized, and huge amounts of money are allocated – but this modernization is reduced, for the most part, to the replacement of oil and the painting of armored cars.

      Wherever the military units really are, are on alert. But, in the main part of the RA, the activity of officers is more and more reduced to simple clerical work. From the soldiers’ barracks, the “weapons room”, it’s interesting to avoid

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