The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

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The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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is definitely a paper tiger.

      …It should be noted that the so-called. “Re-equipment” of the Russian army, bravado of Russian top officials in the style of “We’ll beat you all”, incidents with the Coalition aircraft in Syria are quite beneficial to the governments of Western Europe and the United States. They also need to maintain their population in a tone and, yes, have serious reasons for sending funds to the military-industrial complex. Only they have it all goes to their advantage, because:

      1) Advanced military technology is freely transferred to civilian.

      2) The active functioning of the MIC makes it possible to avoid a crisis of overproduction.

      3) Clever boys from MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, etc. receive a lot of money, for work “head and hands”, which is very like beautiful girls; and thus, together, they enrich the gene pool of their state in every possible way.

      In Russia, though, the invented engineers of the military-industrial complex are deprived of the opportunity to transfer the received technologies to “a citizen”, because that’s all, ah, always such an inconceivably secret. We also, perhaps, never had a crisis of overproduction. Insane allocations to the military industry only ruin the country.

      …Obtaining a visa in the Russian Federation, the stay of foreign citizens from developed democratic countries on the territory of Russia is complicated in every possible way. The citizens of Russia themselves are prohibited from dual citizenship (except in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan). Maybe, in this way, the government of the Russian Federation is really struggling with some “evil influence of the West”? Is it not more believable, friends, the version that we are simply not allowed to communicate with the “simple” people of those states where officials are controlled by the people through democratic procedures, do not take bribes, behave like goodies … and judges are not allowed to drive drunk while driving? John, Smith, Luke, Adam … Jessica, Marietta, etc. in a friendly conversation, over a cup of tea, can explain how to create similar things in Russia. Yes, some in the governments of their own countries see the Russian Federation as a commodity colony, with a well-disguised external management. Yes, external audit of all serious organizations of Russia and now, right up to the infamous Uralvagonzavod, is carried out by foreign auditing companies Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Company … But tourists, missionaries, technologists do not with them there is a single conglomerate. Most of them wish us, and all people of the Earth all kinds of good. To help friends from Russia, they are not given by Russian officials … and, at times, ours, alas, is a conservative worldview.

      Thus, some of the demonstrative attacks by Russian leaders on Western countries, engaging media broadcasts, in the style of Our Friends – Only the Army and the Fleet, are part of the system of camouflage of the colonial government.

      …We once listened to this man with bated breath. Surprisingly, until around 2012 (excluding a scratch on the glass – the abolition of gubernatorial elections), everything seemed to be right. Now (2018) we only switch radio or TV. Speeches are sometimes, as it were, true: against corruption, offshore, for small business, to the world – peace, no war, … with a warning about the danger of artificial intelligence, and all the like. But all this is like… what? Imagine, you’re on the bus, and our driver is the Russian President. The driver turns around and starts to say: “The bus is not going there, we can crash into that tree, or fly into the ditch.” Here’s the news? Well, you have the steering wheel, pedals, levers, all controls, well, so do something, you’re a driver! “But, in response – no meaningful actions, again vysprennye proclamations. Someone from the passengers, somewhat imbued with the words of the driver, rushes to the steering wheel, but Vladimir Vladimirovich gives that to his hands. “You have no rights”.

      Now this is the situation.

      Literary resources are full of books in which the Stalinist dictatorship, autocracy, unconditional denial of democracy, are depicted in the most attractive light. Such collections, literally: “are brought by the Office of the President of Russia’s affairs in the register of publications recommended for reading to public servants and public and political figures”, are kept in the TOP for electronic “readers” for years. Yes… some freedom of speech on the Internet is still available. Other authors also oppose directly, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. But, when they link their arguments praising the political system of modern Ukraine, approve murder “Vatnikov” in the Donbass, the shelling “Grad” residential quarters, praised the Georgian ex-president Saakashvili and also trying in every way to humiliate the Russian people. With the likes of “enemies”, and no apologists style Dzhugashvili is not necessary… The deep confusion in the minds, closed on themselves and neighbors, apathy, ernichane, rage and impotence – these are the modern state of the noosphere (2018) Russia.

      In 2000—2008, people are addicted to consumption: they buy all new cars, gadgets, spend money on empty entertainment, foreign trips, etc. This, of course, is not so bad. However, for all that they do not seek to raise their level of consciousness, education, do not try to master at least the very basics of governing the state through known democratic procedures. As a consequence, in the end, many of the money earned by citizens begin to swim more quickly in an unknown direction. Lost captains, his team deploys the ship not to where the passengers want, but to an unknown, it seems, the President himself, the side.

      At the present time, colonial Russia, and people who are so fond of flaunting what others think for them, are preparing to accept the fourth term of VVP’s rule. There is practically no alternative. Without swinging, confident enough, the governor is capable of managing the country only, perhaps, the presidential governor. But, all heads of regions now (since 2004) are nominees of the incumbent President and, according to the laws of some “corporate ethics”, do not put forward their candidatures for this high post.

      Private life. From 1983 to 2013 – marriage with Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (Shkrebneva), by profession – philologist. Children – two daughters (who studied at Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University under foreign surnames), are now married. According to some reports, Lyudmila is getting married a second time in 2016, for the head of a certain Center for interpersonal communications.

      Vladimir Putin’s interests – mountain skiing, judo, hockey. V.P. fluent in English and German.

      3. Alexis 2 (Alexei Mikhailovich Ridiger) – the birth of 1929, Tallinn… since childhood – help to clergymen in the altar (as a novice), … since 1946 – the service of the psalmist (sexton) in the Kazan church of the city of Tallinn. Admission to the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and then the Academy. In 1950 – married to a former classmate Vera Alekseeva, four days later, according to the statute of the Russian Orthodox Church – the realization of the possibility of taking priests’ dignity (despite the fact that Ridiger did not accept monasticism). And, in the first year of service, there is a gap between Father Alexei and Mother Vera. The permission for divorce (and the subsequent service) is given by a certain ruling priest, Gregory.

      Recall that according to the fundamental canons of the Russian Orthodox Church, the divorced priest, with the exception of more than rare cases, where the priest is, without any reasons, initiator, is prohibited in worship (that is, directly, ceases to be). Yes, he can continue climbing in the church hierarchy after the death of his wife, or her voluntary retirement to the monastery. But, again to marry (there are no exceptions) – no.

      Alexey serves in the church, continues his studies at the theological academy, and finishes it with the title of candidate of theology (course composition “Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret as a Dogmatist”). In 1959, he takes

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