Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes. Rose Elliot

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Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes - Rose  Elliot

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the pitta breads under the grill, then cut them lengthwise in half and gently open up each half. Mix the aubergine slices with pesto to taste, season, then spoon them into the pitta breads and serve at once.

      SERVES 2



      4–6 lettuce leaves

      small piece of cucumber

      2 small tomatoes

      4 spring onions

      a few black olives, stoned

      2 tbls olive oil

      2 tsp wine vinegar

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      125g / 4oz feta cheese

      chopped fresh mint or oregano

      2 pitta breads

      images Wash the salad ingredients then tear the lettuce, dice the cucumber, slice the tomatoes, chop the spring onions and put them into a bowl. Add the olives, oil, vinegar and a grinding of pepper.

      images Cut the feta into cubes and mix it with the other ingredients, then add the fresh mint or oregano and a little salt if necessary.

      images Warm the pitta breads through under the grill, then cut them lengthwise in half, gently open up each half and fill with the feta mixture.

      SERVES 2



       You could use bulgur wheat instead of couscous for a change: prepare it in the same way.

      125g / 4oz couscous

      50g / 2oz raisins (optional)

      2 spring onions

      4 tomatoes

      2 pitta breads

      juice of 1 lemon

      4 tbls chopped fresh mint

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      images Put the couscous and the raisins, if you are using them, into a bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave on one side for 10 minutes.

      images Meanwhile, trim and chop the spring onions, chop the tomatoes and warm the pitta breads under the grill.

      images Drain the couscous and mix with the spring onions, tomatoes, lemon juice, mint and salt and pepper to taste.

      images Split the pitta breads lengthwise in half, gently open each half and fill with the couscous mixture.

      SERVES 2


      2 tbls olive oil

      1 small onion, peeled and chopped

      1 small green pepper, chopped

      1 × 200g / 7oz can tomatoes

      1 × 200g / 7oz can sweetcorn, drained

      1 × 225g / 8oz can red kidney beans, drained

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      2 pitta breads

      images Heat the oil in a pan, put in the onion and pepper, cover and cook gently for 10 minutes, or until they are getting tender.

      images Mash in the tomatoes with their juice, cover and cook for a further 10 minutes, then add the sweetcorn and kidney beans. Cook gently for a few more minutes until hot. Season with salt and pepper.

      images Warm the pitta breads under the grill, then cut them lengthwise in half, gently open up each half, fill with the red bean mixture and serve at once.

      SERVES 2



      2 carrots (about 225g / 8oz)

      125g / 4oz Cheddar cheese

      4 spring onions

      2 tbls olive oil

      2 tsp wine vinegar

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      2 pitta breads

      images Scrape or peel the carrots then coarsely grate the carrots and cheese into a bowl. Trim and slice the spring onions and add them to the bowl, together with the oil, vinegar and a seasoning of salt and pepper. Mix well.

      images Warm the pitta breads under the grill, then cut them lengthwise in halt, gently open up each half, fill with the carrot mixture and serve at once.

      SERVES 2


      (top) Poppadums with Avocado and Curried Mayonnaise and (bottom) Pitta Pockets with (left) Cheese and Carrot Vinaigrette and (right) Red Bean and Sweetcorn

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