Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes. Rose Elliot

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Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes - Rose  Elliot

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      These foods are easy to turn into a quick feast, with dishes such as Tortilla, Spinach and Stilton Creêpes, Haloumi with Spiced Leeks or Chocolate Amaretti Pudding. Cheese is perfect for simple instant meals – see No-Cook Cheese Feasts for ideas – and yogurt, soft cheeses and cream form the basis of quick and easy desserts. Dairy products do contain fat, but used in moderation and balanced with vegetables, fruit and cereals they definitely have a place in a healthy, fast-food diet.


      2 eggs

      4 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained

      2 tbls chopped fresh herbs, such as chervil, chives and parsley

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      15g / 1/2 oz butter

      images Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them lightly until just combined. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and add to the eggs, together with the herbs. Season with salt and pepper.

      images Put a 15cm/6 inch frying pan over a medium heat. When it is hot add the butter, turn the heat up and swirl the butter around – don’t let it brown.

      images Pour in the eggs, tilting the pan to distribute them evenly, then, using a fork, draw the set edges towards the centre and let the liquid egg run to the edges. Repeat until the omelette is almost set.

      images Tilt the pan over a warmed plate, then fold the edge of the omelette over to the centre and let it fold over again on to the plate. Serve immediately.

      SERVES I



      Grate 40g/l1/2 oz Gruyère cheese and add half to the beaten eggs instead of the tomatoes. When the omelette is almost set, sprinkle the remaining cheese over the centre.


      Skin, de-seed and chop 1 large tomato, warm it through in a little butter in a small pan and season. When the omelette is almost set, spoon the tomato over the centre. You could add some slivers of spring onion, or some fresh basil or other herbs, too, if you like. Turn out the omelette and serve dusted with finely grated fresh Parmesan cheese.


       Halfway between a soufflé and an omelette (though far quicker to cook than a soufflé) a soufflé omelette makes a pleasant change and can be served with sweet or savoury fillings.

      If you are making a sweet soufflé omelette, for a flashy finish fill the omelette with your chosen mixture, fold it in half, then sift 2 tablespoons of icing sugar over the top and caramelize the sugar by laying a red-hot skewer on top for a moment or two in a criss-cross pattern.

      2 eggs, separated

      salt and freshly ground black pepper (for a savoury omelette)

      15g / 1/2oz butter

      images Heat the grill. Put the egg yolks into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of water, and some seasoning if you’re making a savoury omelette, and mix well.

      images Whisk the egg whites until they stand in stiff peaks, but don’t let them get too dry. Stir a spoonful of beaten egg white into the yolks, then gently fold in the rest with a metal spoon.

      images Heat a 15cm/6 inch frying pan over a moderate heat then put in the butter and tilt the pan so that the butter coats the sides. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook over a moderate heat for 1–2 minutes, until golden brown underneath. Put the pan under the grill for 1–2 minutes to brown the top of the omelette.

      images Cut across the centre of the omelette (don’t cut right through it), spoon your chosen filling (see below) over one half, then fold over the other half. Lift the omelette out of the pan and serve.

      SERVES 1



      Boil or steam 2–4 asparagus spears until just tender then cut them into 2.5cm/1 inch lengths.

      2 PEPPER

      Grill 1/2 red or yellow pepper, or a combination, until charred then peel off the skin and slice thinly.

      3 MUSHROOM

      Wash, dry and slice 50g/2oz mushrooms – any type, or a mixture – then sauté them in 15g/1/2 oz butter until they are tender and any liquid they produce has boiled away (this may take up to 15 minutes). Season with salt and pepper.

      4 CHEESE

      Mix 2 tablespoons of grated cheese with the egg yolks, then sprinkle another 2 tablespoons on top of the omelette just before you fold it. Gruyère or Parmesan, or a mixture, are good.


      Leftover ratatouille (see here) makes a very good filling; reheat gently, allowing 2 heaped tablespoons per omelette.

      6 TRUFFLE

      For a luxurious treat, put a few truffle shavings on top of the omelette before folding it.


      Cook 50g/2oz fresh or frozen petits pois in a little boiling water for 2 minutes Drain, add a knob of butter and 2 teaspoons of chopped fresh mint.



      Any sweet, soft-textured fruit is good, such as blackberries or blueberries, sliced sweet ripe mango, or sliced banana

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