An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky  Newcomb

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the same time, but this time there was no sign of the phenomenon and I could not recreate it by twitching the curtain or moving things around to create shadows.

      But this wasn’t the end of the story:

      I saw the heads on one more occasion and then a couple of nights later I woke up and found them hovering near the wall above my head! I do believe that these were angels sent to reassure me that I would regain my connections to spirit and to my psychic senses. It was a relief to know that I was not alone during this time.

      Since those memorable few nights in June, I feel as though I have suddenly signed up for a sort of ‘spiritual broadband’, having been on ‘dial up’ all these years!

      I would like to pass on this message to others who are dealing with difficult times in their lives. Angels and those in spirit are always watching over us and if you ask for help it will be given, though you may need to listen for the reply.

      Thanks, Michelle! I couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s great to know that when she needed that support in her life she was literally shown that she was not alone. And isn’t it strange that people seem unafraid of any sort of angelic light formation? You would automatically assume that fear would be a part of the experience, but I’ve discovered that it rarely is.

      ‘An Angel Held My Hand’

      Susan is from England. She lost her lovely dad in March 1972. His death was very unexpected. She shared her story with me:

      Dad was only 55 when he died. I was married at the time, but it was before my children came along. My son, Jon, was born two years later and my daughter, Nicky, followed in 1978.

      The birth of my daughter was not an easy one. The doctors decided that I needed to have an emergency Caesarean and after 12 hours of labour I was ready to be knocked out, but something went terribly wrong and I didn’t lose consciousness straight away. I’ve since learned this was a common occurrence at that time. I remember a nurse checking my eyelids and saying I was out, but I wasn’t. I desperately tried to convey to her with my eyes that I was totally aware of what was happening, but she didn’t understand because I was immobilized by relaxant drugs. I actually felt the scalpel slice me open and it was the most horrific pain I’d ever felt in my entire life. It was so unbelievably severe that I remember praying to God for death and so oblivion—anything to get away from the pain.

      That’s when it happened. Suddenly everything went black. I seemed to be drawn into a swirling tunnel with strange music and almost immediately I was aware of my dad speaking to me. I could feel his presence and was stunned that I was meeting up with him again. I remember asking him for proof of the afterlife and also asking him if he was happy.

      Dad provided the proof with the words to a popular song at that time. Don’t ask me how I knew, but I was certain the words were correct and we sang the song together and somehow were accompanied by the music too! Other proofs were provided, as well.

      But no sooner had we met up then it was over. I was back in the tunnel again, but this time I was being drawn back out. I could once again hear the strange tunnel music and then I was aware of the nurse leaning over me and checking my eyelids and trying to bring me round. She kept telling me that I had a beautiful baby daughter, but I was unable to react to the news. It felt as though she was on the other side of a veil—close yet far away.

      Then I was aware that Dad was walking beside me as they were wheeling me out of the theatre. I could feel him holding my hand as he was walking beside the trolley. I was in so much pain that I was pleading with him to let me go with him, but I knew I was being sent back. Then it felt that I had been ‘pinged’ back to reality and right away he was gone. And for the life of me I couldn’t remember the words to the song or what the other proofs had been.

      The nurse was still trying to bring me round by telling me about my daughter. Apparently the medical staff had been aware that I had been ‘somewhere else’ and she asked me who I had been talking to. I told her it was my dad who had passed over some years before. The look on her face was priceless!

      This was the beginning of many spiritual wonders concerning my dad. I am closer to him now than I was at any time during his lifetime and when I’m going through rough patches and want answers I know he will come to me either in dreams or I will feel his presence around me, which gives me a lovely glow and feeling of great peace.

      I’ll never forget the day my special ‘angel’ held my hand.

      Smoking Can Kill

      This next ‘angel’ was a little more forceful than most. This story is from Gillian in Germany:

      I once read that we have free will, but maybe not in everything.

      I gave up smoking a few years back and then shortly afterwards started up again. My mum wasn’t happy that I’d started smoking again. She thought I was stupid! One Sunday she was over and she just looked at me and said, ‘You will die if you don’t give up smoking. You know that “upstairs” isn’t happy.’ (I guess she meant God.) She seemed so serious, but I told her that the choice was mine and I could smoke if I wanted to.

      Well, I went to light up a cigarette and I could not put it to my lips—it just would not go. Then I started to cough. I have no idea what happened, but it was as if someone or something was stopping me from smoking. I have not smoked since and in fact I cannot stand the smell of it now and I cough when someone is smoking near me.

      What’s funny is that a short while later I didn’t sleep very well one night. I was actually awake for most of it. Then when I did finally get some sleep, when I woke up I couldn’t move my left side at all. That actually happened two mornings in a row and it made me think that if I had still been smoking, the paralysis might have been permanent.

      I guess it is a good idea to have a forceful angel after all!

      Healing Arms

      This next story is about another forceful angel. Patricia is from England and her angel appeared ‘in disguise’…

      My story begins nearly 30 years ago when I was 14. It was a difficult time in my life and for reasons I’m not still clear about I decided to try to end my life. Instead of going to school as usual I walked several miles from my home until I reached a small village with a little shop. From the shop I purchased a bottle of painkillers and proceeded to swallow the whole bottle of 50 with a can of coke.

      I now know that 10 can kill and that 50 was most certainly a lethal dose unless I received help pretty quickly.

      Afterwards I pondered on what to do whilst I was waiting to die. At this point I looked to the heavens and spoke to God. Although I wasn’t religious, I told God that I would soon be joining him and asked him to look after me.

      As I continued down the deserted village road a car pulled up beside me and the man inside asked me if I was alright. I replied that I was and continued on my way, but he was very persistent and asked if I would like a lift. Now at 14 I knew all about the dangers of getting in the cars of strangers, but I had the feeling that I could trust this man. What had I got to lose? I’d already planned on killing myself anyway!

      Once I was inside the car he told me that he was a doctor and was on his way to work. Then I knew I had to tell him what I had taken.

      Needless to say, he

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