An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky  Newcomb

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told me to pull over at the next exit, which I did. We both said, ‘Did you see that?’ My friend who was sitting in the front had not seen anything and she thought I was over-reacting. It was as if she had been protected from the anxiety of what we had just experienced. Perhaps she had been asleep or something, because she had seemed to be slumped in the front, as if someone, or something, had just switched her off. In fact I think if she had been aware, we would have been killed, because she would have certainly tried to grab the wheel of the car.

      Although Gillian is still not completely sure what happened, she said:

      One thing is for sure—we were not meant to die that day. The whole event has affected my life so much. Since that time, I have become a healer and my belief in angels has become a lot stronger.

      Gillian’s story has much in common with other stories I have received over the years. People often know that something dramatic has happened to them, but find it hard to explain what or how it could have occurred. Cars are moved, lifted and even change direction without any explanation. Sometimes time seems to stand still and at other times it appears to be missing entirely, even if only for a few seconds. Are angels standing guard, waiting to lift us out of danger? I believe they are.

      Safe in the Fog—the Angel Satellite Navigation System

      This next story comes from Sheena, who has a real mystery to share with us. Her angels were on hand to help a young girl out of clear danger on the roads. Was her angel working like a modern-day satellite navigation system to guide her in her car? Let’s look at her story.

      Sheena told me about two incidents. She said:

      The first incident happened when I was about 18 years old. I had recently started a new job and the drive to work was a little complicated. I had to drive down a series of country lanes and I wasn’t very familiar with them at all.

      Sheena was nervous on her drive to work, so when evening came around and she had to drive back again she was already anxious:

      On the way home it became very foggy. It was hopeless and I simply didn’t have a clue where I was going. I remember just watching the white line along the side of the road to make sure I was even staying on the road. It would have been very easy to take a wrong turn, hit another car or just to end up upside down in a ditch.

      Sheena was at her wits’ end, but then, in no time at all, she found herself in a familiar town. It was well lit and Sheena recognized it. What a relief! At least now she knew she would be able to find her way home. But strangely the town was nowhere near where she had thought she was driving and she had absolutely no idea how on earth she had got there! Even without the fog, she says she would never have managed to get herself to this town travelling the route she had—or thought she had!

      Sheena was bemused, but the rest of the journey went without incident and she soon found herself safely at home.

      Her parents had been worried and were waiting up for her when she got home. They too were totally bemused by the route she must have taken:

      My dad got the map out to see how I got to the town because he knows his way around so well. But he couldn’t make any sense of it and said the only way would have been if I had cut through a field. He had no idea how I had driven along country lanes and found my way there.

      The whole thing was a complete mystery. Even after all this time Sheena still remembers it well. Perhaps it was an angel who guided her? She thinks it might be.

      Although this isn’t car related, Sheena did have another strange experience which might have involved an angel. She told me:

      When I was in my early twenties I was going on a night out with my friends. I was walking to the meeting-place on my own when I suddenly became aware of a man walking behind me. Initially I didn’t think much about it, as he was a safe distance away. But then I had to walk along a dark path and when I got to the top of it, in my head I heard, ‘Run!’ I didn’t have to be told twice and I ran as fast as I could until I got back onto a lit street.

      What had happened here? Was this just an imaginary worry or was the voice real? Sheena said:

      At first I thought that maybe I was just being paranoid, but when I got back onto a lit street I suddenly realized that the guy wasn’t far behind me. And the only way he could have kept up was by running too. That really made me think!

      At the time I never really questioned the voice that I’d heard. I mean, it never occurred to me that I might have had some help from ‘another source’. To be honest, I had forgotten about both incidents until I was reading your book An Angel Saved my Life and then the memories just came right back to me. I think angels were showing me when they had been there for me, and I was amazed, because I hadn’t even been trying to think of particular experiences. I’d thought I was just reading a book!

      I wonder if the mystery voice was the same angel who had helped with the car incident?

      An Angel Feather Sign

      This next story is going to sound a little familiar—another overtaking scenario rears its ugly head. I think we can see how some of our most dangerous situations come about whilst driving…

      Belinda explains:

      Several years ago, just out of curiosity really, I visited a fair which had various stalls about alternative healing, crystals, aromatherapy, feng shui, etc. I was drawn to the pure beauty of the crystals and started my own collection, which has grown considerably over the years. I also became interested in books about angels and faeries and I regularly ask angels for help in finding parking spaces. I have lost count of the number of times my children, and even my husband, have mocked me and say, ‘Oh, it’s just coincidence,’ but now even they say to me, ‘Why don’t you ask the fairies, Mum?’ I think they mean the angels!

      Last year we were planning a special Sunday family day out. As I was going to get into the car I noticed a pure white feather nestling in the windscreen. I immediately thought of my angel friend and said, ‘Oh, so you want to come along for the day too?’ I picked up the feather and put it on the inside of the car windscreen before we drove off.

      The family started off on their journey, but it wasn’t long before the peace was shattered. Belinda takes up the story:

      Going along a straight road which is about a mile and a half long I was shocked to see that an articulated lorry was overtaking a small car and was heading straight for us.

      My children screamed and my husband shouted something, but I never panicked for one moment, and I don’t know how, but the lorry managed to pass us completely. We never had a scratch on the car. The whole thing seemed to happen as if someone else was holding the steering wheel—as if someone else was driving, even.

      Someone else took the wheel? Invisible hands maybe, but was it angels? Belinda says:

      I know that angels were sitting in the car with us that day. I say to my husband, ‘You know that white feather? It was an angel on our side,’ and his reply is always, ‘I’m not going to argue with you on that one!’

      Belinda still finds lots of white feathers:

      I used to collect them. Sometimes I still do, but whenever I am walking my dog and I see them, I always smile and say, ‘Hello.’ I think it’s the angels’ way of letting me know they’re

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