An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky  Newcomb

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her and wrapped her to keep her warm. I think I just might have had the privilege of meeting my daughter’s guardian angel!

      Safely Steering

      I think this next story has a little guardian angel attached to it too:

      My late parents lived in a bungalow with a curved drive that carried on to the bottom of a slope and ended at a kerb. One day as they turned into the drive going down the slope the brakes of their car failed. Although the car was not going very fast, my father, who was driving, realized that without following the drive completely they would smash into a large glass window in the building at the bottom of the drive.

      As he reached the end of the drive, to avoid going over the kerb, he made a split-second decision (which he never understood) to turn the steering wheel to the right, which took the car between a large brick wall and a waist-high wall on the left. In between was a set of about 10 concrete steps ending in a playground. Both my parents say they closed their eyes as they went between the walls and opened them as the car stopped. When they opened their eyes again the car had come to a complete stop and it was totally intact. Neither of them could believe it, as the car appeared to be much wider than the gap they seemed to have driven through.

      After they had calmed down my parents fetched a tape measure to measure the gap, which actually proved to be narrower than the car itself. Also, a mechanic they asked to look at the car confirmed that the brakes were still not working! Neither of them had felt the car going down any steps, only feeling it stop at the bottom.

      It’s a real mystery, but my mother always claimed she called out to angels as she closed her eyes. She always believed in them!

      A Car Warning and Seeing a Brother

      Elizabeth is from Australia. She can recall two different occasions when she felt her angels were with her.

      She explained. ‘The first time I was driving to work and it was dark. It was 6 a.m. and the car coming towards me was overtaking another car.’

      The car shot past Elizabeth in the middle of the road and gave her a bit of a shock because it seemed to come so close. She recalls:

      I had to brake really hard and I was pretty shaken up, but then when I looked again, there were no cars on the road at all. I know I hadn’t imagined it, but I’ve no idea where the cars had suddenly disappeared to!

      What had Elizabeth seen? She was confused. She told me, ‘I thanked my angel and proceeded on my journey.’

      Elizabeth wondered if the experience was a sign of some sort. Maybe it meant she should slow down? She decided she would slow down just in case.

      Moments later the same scenario was playing itself out in front of her for real:

      A car was now doing exactly what I had seen in my vision, except this time I was ready! I realized that my angels had given me notice so that I could be prepared, and because I had seen what was about to happen, I managed to brake in plenty of time and move out of the way safely. I really felt that without the forewarning I would have been involved in a serious accident.

      Elizabeth remembered to thank her angels again for the warning.

      This wasn’t the only close angelic encounter that she had in the car:

      A few months later I was driving home from work. It was a sunny afternoon and I was taking my time, enjoying the view around me. I realized I was probably going a bit too slowly for the other drivers and was just about to speed up when I heard a loud ‘No!’ in my head. Sure enough, a white van was overtaking on a bend and I was able to avert the accident! The angels had helped me once again!

      Elizabeth’s experiences weren’t just simple feelings. In the first experience she actually saw a vision and in the second she heard a physical voice, something that isn’t so easy to ignore. She firmly believes that the voice was sent to help her and that it was probably the same energy that had protected her during her earlier experience.

      She says, ‘If I had been driving at the correct speed, I might not be here today, so I thanked my angels again!’

      As well as these angelic encounters, Elizabeth has had other magical experiences:

      My brother Arthur passed away when I was 12 and he came to me in a vision on that very night to say his goodbyes. I will never forget that.

      Then, when my dad passed away four years ago, I was lucky to be with him as he crossed over. He told me that his mother and sister (who had passed years before), had come to collect him. I watched the joy on Dad’s face. It was overwhelming.

      Seeing a dying person being collected is a familiar experience to many of those who are lucky enough to be with their loved ones when their time comes.

      Elizabeth explained, ‘Even though it was such a sad occasion, there was also tremendous joy.’

      There are more stories like this later in the book. In the meantime, remember to ask your own guardian angel to be with you when you drive. I remember an advert that was on TV once for a well-known brand of car. It showed angels, complete with wings, sitting in the car or flying with people as they were driving around. Of course this particular car was supposed to be so safe that the owner didn’t need her angel with her whilst she drove.

      I guess I will keep asking my own angel to be with me just in case!

      Nowhere Left to Go

      Gillian once had an amazing experience in the car. She calls it ‘the one thing my mum and I will never be able to forget—or explain’.

      At the time Gillian was living in Germany and on this particular day she was travelling with her mother and a friend to Bergen-Belsen, where the young Jewish diarist Anne Frank died.

      Gillian explains:

      I was driving and my friend was in the front and my mum was sitting behind me. I was driving along the autobahn at around 110 miles an hour. In Germany they drive their cars very fast compared to many other parts of the world.

      Gillian was very comfortable with the speed, however, and there seemed no obvious danger at the time. Gillian’s was the lead car:

      There were only two lanes of traffic. I was nearly level with the car in the other lane when all of a sudden a car came from nowhere and went to overtake me! There was no room for her to go past and I should have hit the other car right in the middle.

      Gillian remembers swearing very loudly in her head and thinking, ‘That driver has just killed me!’ There seemed no safe outcome for the drivers around either and in that fraction of a second, Gillian felt her time was up.

      I put the brakes on, even though at the time I thought it was pointless. I couldn’t imagine how it would be able to help. However, instead of hitting the other car, as I’d felt was inevitable, we were now in the middle lane and cars were overtaking us and looking at us to see if we were alright. I had no idea how we had got there or what had happened. It’s as if time had slowed down somehow. I looked in front of me and spotted the other driver going over a hill—miles in front of us.

      All three drivers were shaken up by what had just happened. As Gillian

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