An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky  Newcomb

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Wake Me’

      Although there is no ‘proof’ that the gentleman in this next story was in any danger, I thought I would add his story here to show the full extent of the angels-in-the-car phenomenon and how angels in fact appear to watch over us in all kinds of transport. Dave had the following experiences whilst working in New York:

      In 1992 I was working in Manhattan and living on Staten Island. After a long day’s work I would often go for a few drinks then start the long journey home, which would entail a subway train from mid Manhattan to lower Manhattan, where I would get the ferry across to Staten Island before catching a bus halfway round the island to where I was living.

      On a few occasions I fell asleep on the ferry and ended up waking just as we were docking back at Manhatten. Once I fell asleep on the bus and woke up well past my stop and ended up having to travel right round the island to get back home.

      This happened twice more, once on the ferry and once on the bus, but on these occasions there was a difference. The first time I fell asleep again, but was woken up by a male voice calling my name as clear as day. I looked round and nobody was anywhere near me. Then I realized that I had been woken just as the ferry was docking at Staten Island. At the time I didn’t put too much thought into it, but I was glad I had woken up.

      The second time this happened a male voice called my name again. This time I was on the bus about 500 yards from my stop. It was so real that I looked around to see who had woken me and again there was no one.

      Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was my guardian angel. It certainly got my attention.

      I welcome the contact anytime so that I don’t miss my stop—every little helps!

      Missed the Tram…

      That last story showed an angel being quite helpful, but this next one is a lot more dramatic. Sometimes the inevitable doesn’t happen and we are left wondering why! Is it angels at work? Mary thinks so. She is from Australia. She told me:

      I had just obtained my driver’s licence and like any young person I liked to drive a little faster than l should have. This one particular night I had just finished work and was on my way home. I was waiting for the lights to turn green at a very busy intersection. As soon as they changed, I put my foot down and drove off.

      What happened next is still a big puzzle to me. All I remember is turning into a busy road, losing control of the car and going across the opposite side of the road against all the oncoming traffic.

      At this point I shut my eyes tight, hoping that when I opened them again I would discover the whole thing had been a dream. But it wasn’t. I was shocked to see a tram coming straight towards me.

      Now this is where the miracle comes in, because I thought to myself, ‘I am going to die,’ and I closed my eyes and said, ‘Oh my God, please help me.’

      The next thing l remember was opening my eyes and being amazed. My car had somehow managed to bypass all the traffic, totally missed the tram and ended up on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road! The only thing that had stopped me from going through the brick wall was a ‘NO STANDING’ sign. My car didn’t even have a scratch on it. Thank goodness that there were no pedestrians walking by when my car came crashing through.

      I can’t believe I’m here telling you this story. It still puzzles me. But I believe that my guardian angel saved me. I guess it just wasn’t my time to go.

       CHAPTER 3 Angels of Healing

      But if these beings guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers.


      Angels seem to hang around a lot at hospitals or come close to us when we are sick, depressed or need emotional healing. Many of the following stories relate to angels or deceased loved ones appearing when we are scared or our lives are in danger. We see our angels sitting on the end of the bed, or they appear in dreams. Sometimes we see them when we are unconscious or shortly before or after an operation. Our angels are around to reassure us and help to save our lives. Their job is to protect us and watch over us. Many religions and cultures around the world believe in God’s angels in one form or another.

      Many hospital stories that people share with me include the ‘mysterious’ nurse, doctor or hospital visitor who sits by the bed or appears each day. The strange thing is that no one else can see this devoted figure (not usually, anyway). As soon as we are well again they disappear into the night as if they had never been there at all.

      When we are in an altered state of consciousness, sleeping or even unconscious, strangely enough it is easier for our celestial friends to reach out to us. It’s at this time that we are most likely to see them. Don’t ever think that this is the only time that they are around us, though. Our winged angels and our special loved ones in heaven are always with us, working quietly in the background. They always have our best interests in mind—even if we don’t always feel they do. They help where they can—sometimes when they are not supposed to! They love us and support us in more ways than you can imagine.

      Sometimes we recognize our special helpers as people we have known in the past and at other times we don’t recognize our saviours at all. However, as already mentioned, even when angels try to visit us ‘in disguise’, they nearly always give themselves away by their unusual appearance. Of course the wings are a dead giveaway, but not everyone is lucky enough to see them. I do believe they show them more for our benefit than their own!

      I’d like to share some special stories with you.

      Rose Quartz Comfort

      Susan is from England and the events in her story happened a couple of years ago. It concerned her father, who passed over in 1972. She wrote to me:

      I’m in the habit of wearing a pink rose quartz stone next to my skin—in my bra! I’d read somewhere that wearing one next to or near the heart was calming and this proved to be the case with me. So it had been a habit for quite some time, a year or more, to wear a rose quartz crystal like that. I’d worn it for so long in fact, I felt ‘undressed’ without it.

      This particular day after work I went clothes shopping. I’d seen a couple of tops I liked, so popped into the fitting room to try them on.

      I always change out of my work clothes when I get home and that day was no different. That’s when I noticed the rose quartz had gone. I imagine it had slipped out of my bra in the changing room.

      It may sound strange, but I was quite distraught over this, as I had definitely felt more peaceful and calm since wearing the rose quartz. I hunted high and low in the house, but knew in my heart that it would be sitting on the floor of the changing room.

      A couple of days passed and I still I felt upset at losing the crystal. It wasn’t an easy thing to replace, either, because it meant driving into the next town to buy another one.

      Then in the evening just after 9 p.m. I was sitting on the sofa with my feet up and the lights off when all of a sudden I heard something drop just by my legs onto the floor. It sounded similar to what a stone might sound

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