The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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945, 948, 952

       Diseases of infancy and childhood 2509-77

       Dishes, a hundred different 434

       Domestics, general remarks on 2153-6

       Dormers 715

       Downs, the 725

       Draught, for summer 1837

       Dress and dressing of infants 2491-6

       Drink for warm weather, pleasant 1836

       Dripping, to clarify 621-2

       Driving 2232-3

       Drowning, treatment after 2676

       Duck, the 932

       American mode of capturing the 936

       Aylesbury 935

       Bowbill 936

       Buenos Ayres 933

       Eggs of the 934, 1658

       Fattening 936

       Hashed 932

       Hatching 935

       Man and dog, decoy 937

       Roast 934

       to carve a 999

       Rouen 934

       Snares in Lincolnshire 937

       Stewed, and peas 935-6 and turnips 937

       To ragout a whole 933

       Varieties of the 933

       Wild, the 934, 937, 1022 hashed 1020

       ragout of 1021 roast 1022

       to carve a 1055

       Ducklings, cooping and feeding 935

       Dumplings, baked apple 1225

       Boiled apple 1227

       Currant 1264

       Lemon 1294

       Marrow 1306

       Sussex, or hard 1376

       Yeast 1383

       Dusting 2313

       Dutch flummery 1426

       Sauce, for fish 405

       Green, or Hollandaise verte 406

       Eel, broth 1866

       Haunts of the 254

       Pie 253

       Productiveness of the 252

       Soup 194

       Tenacity of life of the 256


       The common 250

       Tribe, the 249

       Voracity of the 253

       Eels, a la Tartare 255

       Boiled 249

       Collared 254

       En matelote 256

       Fried 252

       Stewed 250-1

       Egg, balls for soups and made dishes 408

       Sauce for salt fish 409

       Soup 128

       Wine 1867

       Eggs, a la maitre d'hotel 1660

       A la tripe 1667

       Boiled for breakfast, salads, &c. 1656

       Buttered 1657

       Ducks' 1658

       For hatching 927-28

       Fried 1659

       General remarks on 1623-6

       Liaison of, for thickening sauces 461

       Oeufs au plat, or au miroir 1661

       Plovers' 1662

       Poached 1663 with cream 1664

       Primitive method of cooking 1658

       Quality of 1654-5

       Scotch 1666

       Snow, or oeufs a la neige 1482

       To choose 1654

       keep fresh for several weeks 1655 pickle 407

       Veneration for 1659

       White of 1387

       Will crack if dropped in boiling water 1656

       Elderberry wine 1818

       Emetic, tartar 2660

       Empress pudding 1273

       Endive, a la Francaise 1118

       Genus of 1116

       Plant 169

       Stewed 1117

       To dress 1116

       Entree, beef or rump steak, stewed 666

       Beef, minced collops 619

       Boudin a la reine 961

       Calf 's head, fricasseed 863 liver, larded and roasted 882

       Chicken and rice croquettes 953-4 cutlets 926

       or fowl, fricasseed 945

       Fowl, hashed 955

       saute with peas 960

       Lamb, cutlets 747

       sweetbreads and asparagus 757 another way

       to dress 758


       Lark pie 971

       Lobster-curry 274

       Entree, lobster cutlets 275

       patties 277

       Oyster patties 289

       Sweetbreads, baked 906 fried 907

       stewed 908

       Veal cutlets 866

       a la

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