The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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191, 720

       Hog, antiquity of the 826, 834

       Fossil remains of the 829

       General observations on the common 765-95

       In England 837

       Not bacon 807

       Universality of the 833

       Wild and domestic 823

       Holly leaves, to frost 1545

       Honey cake 1758

       Hooping cough 2468, 2564

       Symptoms of 2565

       Treatment of 2566-7

       Horse, the 2203

       Horses, choosing 2231

       Exercising 2213

       Horses feeding 2224-15

       Watering 2212, 2216

       Horseradish, the 447

       Medical properties of the 1122

       Sauce 447

       Vinegar 448

       Hot spice 524

       Housekeeper, daily duties of the 58-61

       General duties of the 55

       Knowledge of cookery 57

       Necessary qualifications for a 56

       Housemaid, bedroom, attention to 2306, 2323-4

       Bright grates 2298

       Candlestick and lamp-cleaning 2330

       Carpet-sweeping 2312

       Chips broken off furniture 2330

       Cleanings, periodical 2326-9

       Dress of the 2319

       Dusting 2313

       Duties after dinner 2321 evening 2322

       general 2292-4

       Fire-lighting 2296-7

       Furniture-cleaning 2307, 2313


       General directions to the 2300-5

       Hartshorn, for plate-cleaning 2316

       Laying dinner-table 2314-5

       Marble, to clean 2333-4

       Needlework 2325

       Plate, to clean 2317

       rags for daily use 2318

       Upper and under 2291

       Waiting at table 2320

       Recipe, Brunswick black, to make 2295

       cement for joining broken glass or china 2331-2 decanters, to clean 2336

       floorcloth, to clean 2335 furniture gloss, German 2339 paste 2310

       polish 2308-9

       gilt frames, to brighten 2337

       grates and fire irons, to preserve from rust 2338

       polish for bright grates 2299

       Hunter's pudding 1288

       Husband and wife 2725-9

       Hysterics 2643

       Ice, fruit creams, to make 1555

       Lemon-water 1557

       To ice, or glaze pastry 1334

       Iced, apple pudding 1290

       Apples, or apple hedgehog 1394

       Currants 1558

       Oranges 1564

       Pudding 1289

       Ices, fruit-water, to make 1556

       General observations on 1510-11

       Icing, for cakes, almond 1735 sugar 1736

       Indian, Chetney sauce 452

       Corn-flour bread 1721

       Curry powder 449

       Fritters 1435

       Mustard 450

       Pickle 451

       Trifle 1436

       Infant, the 2460-2577

       Ink-spots, to remove 2271

       Invalid cookery, rules to be observed in 1841-54

       Invalid's cutlet, the 1865

       Jelly 1869

       Lemonade 1870

       Insurance 2708-10

       I. O. U., the 2723

       Irish stew 721-2

       Ironing 2282, 2393-6

       Isinglass 1413

       Italian, cream 1437

       Mutton cutlets 723

       Rusks 1733

       Sauce, brown 453 white 451

       Jam, apple 1517


       Apricot, or marmalade 1522

       Carrot 1525

       Cherry 1528

       Currant, black 1530 red 1538

       Damson 1538

       Gooseberry 1547-8 white or green 1549

       Greengage 1552

       Omelet 1460

       Plum 1580

       Raspberry 1588

       Rhubarb 1590

       and orange 1591

       Roly pudding 1291

       Strawberry 1594

       Jaunemange 1439

       Jelly, apple 1518-19 clear 1396

       thick, or marmalade 1395

       Bag, how to

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