The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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of wearing apparel 12

       Retiring for the night 49

       Mock-turtle soup 172-3

       Morello cherries, to preserve 1561

       Moths, preservatives against 2285

       Muffins 1727

       Mulberries, preserved 1360

       Mulberry, description of the 1360

       Mullagatawny soup 174

       Mullet, grey 284

       Red 285

       Muriatic acid 2651

       Mushroom, the cultivated 473

       Growth of the 476

       How to distinguish the 472

       Ketchup 472

       Localities of the 1126

       Nature of the 478

       Powder 477

       Sauce, brown 474

       very rich and good 479 white 475-6

       Varieties of the 1125

       Mushrooms, baked 1124

       Broiled 1125

       Pickled 478

       Stewed 1127

       in gravy 1128

       To dry 473 preserve 1126 procure 1127

       Mustard 480


       How to mix 480

       Indian 480

       Tartar 481

       Mutton, baked minced 703

       Breast of, boiled 704

       (excellent way to cook a) 709

       Broiled, and tomato sauce 710

       Broth, quickly made 1873 to make 1872

       Carving 759-63

       China chilo 712

       Mutton, chops, broiled 711

       Collops 731

       Curried 713

       Cutlets, of cold 714

       Italian 723

       with mashed potatoes 732

       Dormers 715

       Fillet of, braised 707

       Haricot 716-18

       Hashed 719

       Haunch of, roast 726 to carve a 759

       Hodge-podge 720

       Irish stew 721-2

       Kidney, broiled 724 fried 725

       Leg of, boiled 705 boned and stuffed 706 braised 708

       roast 727

       to carve a 760

       Loin of, to carve a 761 roast 728

       rolled 729

       Neck of, boiled 730 ragout of 736

       roast 737

       Pie 733-4

       Pudding 735

       Qualities of various 707

       Saddle of, roast 738 to carve a 762

       Shoulder of, roast 739 to carve a 763

       Soup, good 175

       Nasturtium, uses of the 482

       Nasturtiums, pickled 482

       Nature and art in nursing 2445-2452

       Navet, description of the 1168

       Nectar, Welsh 1830

       Nectarines, preserved 1562

       Needlework 2325

       Negus, to make 1835

       Nesselrode pudding 1313

       Nitric acid 2650

       Normandy pippins, stewed 1563

       Notice to quit 2716


       Noxious trades 2712

       Noyeau cream 1452

       Homemade 1825

       Nurse, attention to children's dispositions 2401

       Carrying an infant 2398

       Convulsion fits 2406

       Croup 2407

       Dentition 2405

       General duties of the 2402-4

       Habits of cleanliness in children 2400

       Hooping-cough 2408

       Measles and scarlatina 2410-12

       Miss Nightingale's remarks on children 2414-5

       Worms 2409

       Nursemaids, upper and under 2397

       Nurse, Monthly, age of 2431

       Nurse, Monthly, attention to cleanliness in the patient's room 2433

       Choice of a 2429

       Doctor's instructions must be observed 2430

       General duties of the 2432

       Infant must not be exposed to light or cold too early 2434

       Nurse, Sick, airing the bed 2425

       Attention to food 2427

       Bad smells must be removed 2422

       Cleanliness, necessity of 2421

       Diet suitable to the patient's taste 2428

       Duties of the 2416

       Necessity for pure air in the sick-room 2417

       Night air injurious, a fallacy 2426

       Opening of windows and doors 2418-9


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