The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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style="font-size:15px;">       Pineapple 1472, 1478

       Chips 1577

       Fritters 1472

       In Heathendom 1578

       Preserved 1578

       for present use 1579

       Pippins, stewed, Normandy 1563

       Plaice, the 298

       Fried 297

       Stewed 298

       Plate-cleaning 2317-18

       Plover, description of the 1044

       To carve a 1066 dress a 1044

       Plovers' eggs 1626

       Plum, an excellent pudding 1325

       Cake, common 1768 nice 1769


       Jam 1580

       Pudding, baked 1324

       Pudding sauce 499

       Tart 1331

       Plums 1330

       French, box of 1600 stewed 1583

       Cultivation of 1582

       Origin of the names of 1580

       Preserved 1581

       To preserve dry 1582

       Poisonous food 2665

       Mushrooms 2666

       Poisons 2647

       Calomel 2658

       Copper 2659

       Emetic tartar 2656

       Lead, and its preparations 2661

       Opium and its preparations 2662

       Symptoms of having inhaled strong fumes of smelling salts 2655 swallowed 2618

       alkalis 2654 arsenic 2656

       corrosive sublimate 2657 muriatic acid 2651

       nitric acid 2650 oxalic acid 2652 prussic acid 2653 sulphuric acid 2649

       Syrup of poppies and Godfrey's cordial 2663

       Treatment after taking henbane hemlock, nightshade, or foxglove 2664

       Polish tartlets 1320

       Pomatum, an excellent 2256

       Pork, carving 842

       Cheese 799

       Cutlets 796

       Cutlets or chops 797-8

       Griskin of, roast 827

       Hashed 801

       Leg of, boiled 826 roast 800

       to carve a 844

       Loin of, roast 829

       Pickled, to boil 834

       Pies 835

       little, raised 836

       Sausages, to make 837

       To pickle 833

       Portable soup 180

       Potato, the 147

       Analysis of 1138

       As an article of food 1148

       Bread 1141

       Fritters 1474

       Patty 1332

       Properties of the 1137

       Pudding 1333

       Qualities of the 1147


       Rissoles 1147

       Salad 1154

       Snow 1148

       Soup 145-6-7

       Starch 1139

       Sugar 1136

       Uses of the 1140

       Varieties of the 1146

       Potatoes, a la maitre d'hotel 1144

       Baked 1136

       Fried, French fashion 1142

       German way of cooking 1143

       How to use cold 1141

       Mashed 1145

       Preserving 1143

       Puree de pommes de terre 1146

       To boil 1137

       in their jackets 1138 new 1139

       To steam 1140

       Potted beef 642-3

       Chicken or fowl 930

       Ham 815

       Hare 1028

       Partridge 1037

       Shrimps 312

       Veal 899

       Poulet, a la Marengo 949

       Aux cressons 964

       Poultry, in season, January to December pp. 33-7

       Pound cake 1770

       Pounded cheese 1648

       Prawn, the 198

       Soup 198

       Prawns or shrimps, buttered 313

       To boil 299

       To dress 300

       Prescriptions, general remarks on 2580

       Blister, an ordinary 2598

       Clyster 2582

       Draught 2581 common black 2587

       Drugs, list of, necessary to carry out all instructions 2579

       Liniment 2583

       Lotion 2584

       Goulard 2585

       Opodeldoc 2586

       Mixtures, aperient

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