The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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Hot 1724

       Meat, or sausage 1373

       Roux, brown, for thickening sauces 525

       White, 526

       Rusks, Italian 1733

       To make 1734

       Sage 427

       And onion stuffing 501

       Sago, alimentary properties of 1367

       How procured 152

       Pudding 1367

       Sauce for sweet puddings 1368

       Soup 152

       Salad, a poetic recipe for 508

       Boiled 1151

       Chicken 931

       Dressing 506-8

       French 503

       Grouse 1026

       Lobster 272

       Orange 1571

       Potato 1154

       Scarcity of, in England 505

       Summer 1152

       Winter 1153

       Salads 1153

       Salmi de perdrix, or hashed partridge 1038

       Salmon, a la Genevese 307

       And caper sauce 302

       Aversion of the 309

       Boiled 301

       Collared 303

       Crimped 304

       Curried 305

       Cutlets 306

       Growth of the 305

       Habitat of the 303

       Migratory habits of the 302

       Pickled 308

       Potted 309

       To carve p. 175 choose 301 cure 308

       Tribe 304

       Salsify, description of 1149


       To dress 1149

       Salt, action of on meat 607

       Common 403

       Fish 233

       Meat, Soyer's recipe for preserving the gravy in 609

       Sandwiches, of cheese 1611

       Pastry 1318

       Toast 1877

       Victoria 1491

       Sauce, a l'Aurore 511

       A la matelote 512

       Allemande, or German sauce 509

       Anchovy, for fish 362

       Sauce, apple, brown 364 for geese or pork 363

       Aristocratique 510

       Arrowroot, for puddings 1356

       Asparagus 365

       Bechamel, or French white sauce 367

       maigre 368

       Benton 370

       Beurre noir, or browned butter, a French sauce 374

       Bread 371-2

       Browning for 373

       Butter, melted 376-7 made with milk 380 maitre d'hotel 465 thickened 379

       Camp vinegar 381

       Caper, for boiled mutton 382

       for fish 383

       a substitute for 384

       Celery, for boiled turkey, poultry, &c. 387 a more simple recipe 388

       Cherry, for sweet puddings 1357

       Chestnut, brown 391

       for turkey or fowls 390

       Chili vinegar 393

       Christopher North's, for game or meat 394

       Consomme, or white stock for 395

       Crab, for fish 396

       Cream, for fish or white dishes 397

       Cucumber 398 white 400

       Custard, for sweet puddings or tart 404

       Dutch, for fish 405

       green, or Hollandaise verte 406

       Egg, for salt fish 409

       Epicurean 410

       Espagnole, or brown Spanish 411

       Fennel, for mackerel 412

       Fish 413

       For boiled puddings 514 steaks 516

       wildfowl 519

       Genevese, for salmon, trout, &c. 427

       Gooseberry, for boiled mackerel 429

       Green, for green geese or ducklings 431


       Horseradish 447

       Hot spice 524

       Indian chetney 452

       Italian, brown 453 white 454

       Leamington 459

       Lemon, for boiled fowls 457

       for fowls and fricassees, white 458 for sweet puddings 1358

       Liaison of eggs for thickening 461

       Liver and lemon, for poultry 462 parsley 463

       Lobster 464

       Maigre maitre d'hotel (hot) 467

       Maitre d'hotel (hot) 466

       Mango chetney (Bengal recipe) 392

       Mayonnaise 468

       Melted butter 376-8

       Mint 469

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