The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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style="font-size:15px;">       Mushroom, a very rich and good 479 brown 474

       ketchup 472 white 475-6

       Onion, brown 485

       French, or Soubise 483 white 484

       Oyster 492

       Parsley and butter 493

       Piquante 513

       Plum-pudding 499

       Quin's (an excellent fish-sauce) 500

       Ravigotte 501

       Reading 502

       Robert 515

       Sago, for sweet puddings 1368

       Shrimp 522

       Soyer's, for plum-puddings 1359

       Store, or Cherokee 528

       Sweet, for puddings 1360 venison 518

       Thickening for 525-6

       Tomato 529-32

       Tournee 517

       Vanilla custard 1361

       Wine, excellent for puddings 1362 for puddings 1364

       or brandy 1363 white 537-9

       Sauces and gravies, in the Middle Ages 433

       Manufacture of 510

       Pickles, gravies, and forcemeats, remarks on 354, 361

       Saucer-cakes, for tea 1774

       Sausage, meat cakes 839

       Meat stuffing 520

       Or meat rolls 1373

       Sausages, beef 662

       Pork, fried 838 to make 837


       Veal 904

       Savory 446

       Savoury jelly for meat pies 521

       Savoy, the 140

       Biscuits or cakes 1748

       Cake 1782

       Scarlatina, or scarlet fever 2560-3

       Scotch, collops 870 white 871

       Eggs 1666

       Rarebit, or toasted cheese 1651

       Shortbread 1780

       Woodcock 1653

       Scrap cakes 1779

       Scratches 2669

       Sea-bream, the 310 baked 310

       Mr. Yarrell's recipe 310

       Kale, description of 1150

       To boil 1150

       Seed, biscuits 1749

       Cake, common 1775 very good 1776

       Semolina, pudding, baked 1369

       Qualities of 153

       Soup 153

       Uses of 1369

       Shad, the 311

       To dress 311

       Shalot, or Eschalot 410

       Sheep, the 175

       General observations on the 678, 697

       Poets on the 730

       Sheep's brains, en matelote 740

       Feet, or trotters 741

       Head, to dress 742 singed 742

       Shepherd, the Ettrick 739

       The Good 705

       Shepherds and their flocks 710

       Sherry 1416

       Pale 1426

       Shortbread, Scotch 1780

       Shrimp, the 313

       Sauce 522

       Shrimps, or prawns, buttered 313 to boil 299

       Potted 312

       Sick-rooms, caution in visiting 2692

       Sirloin, origin of the word 659

       Skate, the 315

       Boiled 314

       Crimped 315

       Small, fried 317

       Species of 317

       To choose 315

       With caper sauce (a la Francaise) 316

       Smelt, the 319


       Odour of the 318

       Smelts, to bake 318

       To fry 319

       Snipe, description of the 1047

       Snipes, to carve 1060

       To dress 1047

       Snow cake 1777-8

       Eggs, or oeufs a la neige 1482

       Snowballs, apple 1235

       Rice 1479

       Soda, biscuits 1751

       Bread 1722

       Cake 1781

       Carbonate of 1765

       Sole, the 320

       Flavour of the 324

       Or cod pie 322

       Soles, a favourite dish of the ancient Greeks 323

       Baked 320

       Boiled 321

       or fried, to carve p. 175

       Filleted, a l'Italienne 324

       Fricasseed 325

       Fried 327

       filleted 326

       How caught 325


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