The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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style="font-size:15px;">       Season and choice of 908

       Shoulder of 903

       Stewed 905

       tendons de veau 909-10

       Tete de veau en tortue 911

       Vegetable, a variety of the goard 158

       Fried 1171

       Marrow, a tropical plant 1171 boiled 1170

       in white sauce 1173

       Soup 158, 159-61

       Vegetables, acetarious 1151

       And herbs, various 89

       Cut for soups 1172

       General observations on 1069, 1079

       Reduced to puree 1166

       In season, January to December pp. 33-7

       Venison 1049


       Antiquity of, as food 444

       Hashed 1050

       Haunch of, roast 1049

       Sauce for 518

       Stewed 1051

       The new 1051

       To carve 1061

       Ventilation, necessity of, in rooms lighted with gas 2693 of stables 2206

       Vermicelli 162, 1377

       Pudding 1377

       Soup 162-3

       Vicarage pudding 1378

       Victoria sandwiches 1491

       Vinegar, camp. 381

       Cayenne 385

       Celery 389

       Chili 393

       Cucumber 401

       Gooseberry 1820

       Horseradish 418

       Mint 470

       Raspberry 1828

       Use of, by the Romans 451

       Vol-au-vent, an entree 1379

       Of fresh strawberries with whipped cream 1381

       Sweet, with fresh fruit 1380

       Wafers, Geneva 1431

       Walnut, the 536

       Ketchup 535-6

       Walnuts, pickled 534

       Properties of the 1599

       To have fresh throughout the season 1607

       Warts 2680

       Washing 2377-8

       Coloured muslins, &c. 2380

       Flannels 2381

       Greasy cloths 2382

       Satin and silk ribbons 2384

       Silks 2385

       Water, rate 2715

       Souchy 352-3

       Supply of in Rome 1216

       Warm 2691

       What the ancients thought of 1214

       Wax, to remove 2272

       Welsh, nectar 1830

       Rarebit, or toasted cheese 1652

       West-Indian pudding 1382

       Wheat, diseases of 1779

       Egyptian or mummy 1783

       Polish and Pomeranian 1722

       Red varieties of 1719

       Wheatear, the 996

       Wheatears, to dress 996

       Whipped, cream 1492

       Syllabubs 1493

       Whisky cordial 1840


       Whitebait 348

       To dress 348

       Whiting, the 343

       Au gratin, or baked 346

       Aux fines herbes 347

       Buckhorn 344

       Boiled 343

       Broiled 344

       Fried 345

       Pout and pollack 347

       To carve a p. 176 choose 343

       Whitlow, to cure a 2681

       Widgeon, to carve a 1068

       Roast 1052

       Will, attestation of a 2757

       Advice in making a 2756

       Witnesses to a 2746, 2758

       Wills 2732-38

       Form of 2740-1

       Wine, cowslip 1817

       Elder 1818

       Ginger 1819

       Gooseberry, effervescing 1821

       Lemon 1823

       Malt 1824

       Orange 1827

       Rhubarb 1829

       To mull 1838

       Wirebasket 494

       Witnesses 2739-51

       Woodcock, description of the 1053

       Scotch 1653

       To carve a 1062

       Woodcock, to roast a 1053

       Woollen manufactures 737

       Woollens 2284

       Worms 2409

       Wounds 2682

       Incised, or cuts 2683, 2686

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