God's Guide for Grandparents. Susan M. Erschen

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God's Guide for Grandparents - Susan M. Erschen

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style="font-size:15px;">      We, too, are often guilty of not knowing what we are doing. Often, we are not aware of how our actions or words cause pain to others. But for the sake of our grandchildren, we need to start paying greater attention. We need to learn to see the suffering Jesus in the face of every suffering person. If the world is going to be a better place, it will only be because more people are showing compassion for one another.

      We can also cultivate more compassion in our grandchildren by encouraging them to think about how another person might feel and to consider whether there is anything they could do to make that person feel better. Depending on our different circumstances, we all have opportunities to expose our grandchildren to those who need compassion. When my mother was in a nursing home, my brother and sister-in-law regularly took their granddaughter to visit her. The little girl quickly became comfortable being in the presence of the sick. She could look into the face of the people she saw and not back away. No doubt she will always be compassionate to the elderly and sick.

      My mother-in-law is 102. My grandchildren regularly see Great-Grandma here at our home and like to share their toys with her. Recently, my husband and I sponsored a five-year-old girl in a developing country. Her picture is on our refrigerator. I tell my granddaughter about this little girl who wants to learn to read but has no books. We color pictures for her and send her some of our stickers.

      Even if face-to-face work with the needy is not possible for us or our grandchildren, we can still include people who are homeless, immigrants, those who are sick or dying, and the many who are lonely in our daily prayers. Through her great devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus and her prayers for missionaries, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux became a saint without ever going beyond the walls of her convent.

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