Three Virtues of Effective Parenting. Shirley Yuen

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Three Virtues of Effective Parenting - Shirley Yuen

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us understand how to best respond to all the complex situations that arise in raising children in the modern world.

      Most of the Confucius’ teachings in this book are from Analects, a book which was written by the students of Confucius. Analects, together with Mencius, The Great Learning, and Doctrine of the Mean, are named the “Four Books” of the Confucian Classics.




      Two thousand five hundred years ago, a Chinese sage named Confucius taught that all the legislation, political promises, social programs, and religious revivals would amount to nothing without the presence of one thing: Virtue. He viewed virtue (Te) as the most powerful force in the universe—a force that could change all of mankind, one person at a time.

      Confucius lived in an age of historical transition and cultural crisis (551–479 B.C.) in the ancient state of Lu. He was born into an era of escalating violence as seven of the most powerful states in the proto-Chinese world warred for supremacy. In a way, there is a certain similarity between his time and ours. He was witnessing a world that was sinking into violence and disorder, a world that was too involved in power struggles and personal gains. He saw a world where people had failed to see and feel for the importance of virtues in human relationships, a force that could change the way we act toward others, and the way others act toward us.

      Confucius believed that any change we wished to make in our lives must begin within ourselves. He called this “cultivation of the mind ,” which we can understand as the ability to look within ourselves and observe and become aware of our own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. True cultivation of mind,

      Confucius taught, can only be accomplished by embracing virtue. Once virtue was embodied within the soul and became a way of being, an individual could then transform their families, communities, nation, and even the world.

      This was as challenging a concept to grasp then as it is now. When Confucius’ students did not understand how one individual could have such a great impact upon the world, Confucius told them that this was one of the great secrets of the ancients.

      Taking his staff, he drew circles within circles in the sand as he taught this lesson:

      “When the ancients wished to illustrate virtue throughout the kingdom, they first ordered their own states,

      Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families.

      Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their selves.

      Wishing to cultivate their selves, they first changed their hearts.

      Wishing to change their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in thought.

      Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first sought true knowledge within the soul.”

      Gazing at the circles, the light of understanding began to shine from the eyes of the students. Yet before they could ask another question, the Master continued:

      “Having sought out true knowledge in the soul, they became sincere in their thoughts.

      Their thoughts sincere, their hearts were changed.

      Their hearts changed, their selves were transformed.

      Their selves transformed, their families were well regulated

      Their families well regulated, their states were well governed.

      Their states well governed, the kingdom was at peace.”

      —The Way of Virtue

      When we think about and meditate upon Confucius’ words, we can begin to understand how virtuous living, like a pebble tossed in a pond, can ripple across all of life. If we cultivate virtue in ourselves, we will affect not only our own lives, but also the lives of all of those around us—expecially our children. It is from this recognition that we will explore the three universal virtues of Confucius’ teachings.



      How do we use virtues to cultivate ourselves from within? Virtue is not the same as moral principles or a code of ethics, which require us to be judged by a certain fixed standard. Virtue is moral character that we cultivate within ourselves and that determines the goodness of our own actions. In essence, virtue is about taking the right action for the right result. The cultivation of virtues will help us gain the insights to make the right choices and perform the right actions. Confucius believed that virtues are shown in the excellence of our actions in relationship with other people. How we act toward others affects people in positive or negative ways. When we act with virtue we will always positively affect our relationships as well as our own personal lives.

      The power of virtue is in its influence. Virtue can gradually change our own behavior, and then through our positive influence, the behavior of the people around us without the use of coercion or violence. It is clear to see how this directly relates to parenting and how it may help us with many of our dilemmas. Parenting in today’s world is not easy. There are more parenting books than ever before and yet there also seem to be more problems with today’s children. We receive mixed messages every day about what we should consider to be important, or even true, and we can easily lose the focus of what will provide the essential foundation for all our parenting decisions. Virtue can help to remind us of the goodness we must always strive for in ourselves and in our parenting.

      Practicing virtue in parenting leads to two distinct benefits. First, it brings about changes within yourself—not just so you are a better parent, but also a better person. Check with your spouse, friends, neighbors and even your dog, they will all be drawn closer to you when you become a bigger person in your heart. Second, it brings about the spontaneous cultivation of virtue in your children. For all parenting experts agree that the most important role model for your child is you.



      Exemplary persons concentrate their efforts on the root,

      for the root having taken hold; the way will grow there from.

      (Analects 1.2)

      According to Confucius, everything has its root and its branches. Confucius puts great emphasis on the root, for the root must come first. The branches, which only grow once the root has been established, are much less stressed in Confucius’ teaching. The order of this sequence cannot be altered. At times, people may fail to distinguish the root from the branches, and so they fail to distinguish between that which should be greatly emphasized and that which should receive less of our attention.

      The root of parenting is the rectification of the heart. This will help us withstand difficulties and crises in parenting. A heart that is rectified with virtue will prepare you for all the challenges

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