Simple Ways to Wellness. Louise Taylor

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Simple Ways to Wellness - Louise  Taylor

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a certain amount of dedication to continued practice for a period of time. To succeed with these disciplines, you must be willing to dedicate a certain amount of time and attention to self-healing. The body heals itself in a beautiful and natural way, but it must be given time and nurturing attention if these methods are to work for you. Consider this before starting and do not expect instant results from any of these methods.

      It is very valuable to use the synergistic approach. This means that in using a combination of healing techniques at one time each will act as a magnifier for the other. In other words, you can say affirmations as you press acupressure points or you can apply color therapy as you visualize wellness. You can also add any of these techniques as you are using any of the more traditional techniques for wellness.

      It is important to live wellness. Those who have the effervescence of wellness promote wellness. Those who have faith in the body's natural ability to heal itself—especially with some of the following healing encouragements—and who can relax in the joy of healing will be well. Allow yourself the natural time that it takes for your body to respond.

      Again, the techniques in this book are not intended to replace medical advice. It is important to ask for the diagnosis and wisdom of a professional medical expert. If your ailment is not something that you can handle, obtaining the knowledge and technology of professionals shows responsibility to yourself. Pregnant women must also be careful when using acupressure. I have indicated the points that should never be used by pregnant women and those that can have an adverse effect and should be avoided during pregnancy. Be sure to check with your doctor or just select other acupressure points in the list given for any particular symptom. If your symptoms persist, be sure to seek medical advice.


      Acupressure is a system of healing that has been handed down for 6,000 years. It has stood the test of time as an effective method of healing. It originated in ancient China as a technique used by the villagers to help themselves and their families and friends, this was, of course, in a time of civilization when there were no doctors and there was a need for people to heal themselves in times of physical distress.

      Acupressure uses finger pressure on specific spots of low electrical resistance on the body, which stimulates the free flow of energy through the system. When energy flows smoothly and freely, the body functions in a healthy fashion. When energy is blocked along the energy pathways, tension is created and the body becomes deprived of energy. The result of this stagnation of energy is the symptoms that we begin to experience, which can later turn into debilitating disease.

      It is important, therefore, to act responsibly to alleviate symptoms at their onset while we can still do something about them for ourselves. It is much easier to rebalance the body's energy at an early stage than to reestablish health after illness has set in. Since you have this wonderful knowledge at your fingertips, take advantage of it to free yourself from aches and pains and to make yourself whole.

      The body has about 700 specific acupressure spots or points that can have an effect on the state of our health. However, there are specific points along the acupressure meridian system that are particularly effective for individual symptoms. I have not described all of the points and their applications here, but I have included specific points that you can use on yourself for specific symptoms. For more information on acupressure, refer to the books listed in the bibliography.


      While working on your body, keep your mind as positive and peaceful as possible. It is a disservice to yourself to infuse distressful or negative thinking into the powerful intake points of the body. Perhaps some pleasant music or positive conversation with a friend would help. It is also important to keep the body as relaxed as possible. Sit comfortably; if you get in uncomfortable positions, or ones that stress the body, it is counterproductive to your healing. If the point you need to press is difficult to reach, see if someone will press it for you.


      When locating the points you wish to use, be as specific as possible. The energy points radiate out to about the size of a dime, but if you are not careful you will miss the location and not gain the benefit. There are directions in part 2 of this book for locating the points. There is also an illustration for each point. Your bones can be used as guides for locating the points. You can also use the standard body measure called a "body inch." A body inch is the measure of the width of your thumb at its Joint or of the distance between the first and second joint of the middle finger. Three body inches is the width of your four fingers at the major joints.

      This is a very precise and accurate technique for finding the points on any individual. If you are working on someone else, use their hand or thumb, which is specifically proportional for them.

      Study the diagrams carefully and then locate the point on your body. You may wish to mark it on yourself with a pen until you become familiar with the location.


      It is important to work on each of the selected points at least twice a day. You can check in part 2 of this book for specific instructions on repetition frequency. The changes in the body's energy are subtle and it takes repeated application of pressure to make a significant difference in your state of health. Since you also wish to make a permanent change in the condition of your body, repetition over a period of time is necessary. You may need to keep up the good work for several weeks. Even after the symptoms disappear, it is important to continue working with the pressure points for a while in order to solidify the healing effect. If conditions worsen or are not being relieved, see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.


      Energy moves through the body in a systematic and timely manner. In the system of acupressure, the energy in each individual meridian is most readily accessible and powerful during specific two-hour time periods of the twenty-four hour day. The time period for each meridian is given in the body clock to the right.

      Ideally, you can derive the most benefit from the various acupressure points if you work with them at the peak time of day for that specific meridian. Sometimes this is not convenient, especially if the time of greatest energy activity is in the middle of the night. The second most ideal time would be the time directly opposite of the desired meridian's time. For example 3-5 P.M. is an alternatively powerful time to work on the lung meridian points. It is perfectly acceptable, however, to work on the points at any time of the day, or whenever symptomatic needs arise.

      Pressure should be as firm as possible, without inflicting pain. This system is called acu-pressure, not acu-touch or acu-torture. It is important to make an impression on the point without causing discomfort.

      You can use the thumb or any finger with which you can comfortably apply pressure. Since you are not used to applying pressure with your fingers, they may get tired. If this happens, you may switch fingers or let up on the pressure for a few seconds and then re-press on the same point. The pressure should last for approximately two minutes on each point. This is an average time. If the point becomes uncomfortable, stop earlier. If the body tissue under this point feels like it softens or releases, or there does not seem to be any pressure being exerted before the two minutes are

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