Simple Ways to Wellness. Louise Taylor

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Simple Ways to Wellness - Louise  Taylor

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a little more firmly.

      Work on both sides of the body. Work on the side where the greatest problem is first, but then work on the other side. The body is bilateral and therefore benefits most when both sides are released.

      You may also wish to work on more than one point in any session. You can work on several points for one condition or on several points for several conditions in any one session.


       Never work on a full stomach or while you are too hungry.

       Keep the room you are working in at a moderately warm temperature.

       Make sure that your hands are clean and your nails are short.

       Avoid working on any skin surface that has a cut, scar, or infection.

      These precautions will allow the energy released by your acupressure treatment to move freely, without being inhibited by body tension. This will maximize the benefits from each session.

      Color Therapy


      Energy, the basis of all matter, occurs at specific frequencies and in precise wavelengths that have been scientifically measured. There are many individual wavelengths of energy moving at a variety of frequencies in the complex world we live in. The configuration of each specific wave of energy gives it an individual nature that can be described as its "vibration." As light energy vibrates at a specific rate, it gives off a particular color. Each color, then, is light energy vibrating at a particular frequency with a specific wavelength.

      Our world is an array of color because of the multiplicity of the vibrations of energy that exist. As we view our world and see the infinite variety of colors, we become aware of the tremendous variation in the energy around us.


      Your body is made up of points of electro-magnetic energy or elements that combine to become atoms and cells of vibrating, living consciousness. It remains healthy when there is perfect harmony and rhythm between these elements. Every element, organ, or system of your physical body contains cells vibrating in perfect harmony for their specific function.

      This was first researched in India, in 1873, by Dr. Kinshah Ghadiahi. He founded the Spectro-Chrome Institute where he showed that specific colors relate to and affect specific organs or functions of the body. In 1878, Dr. Edwin Babbitt, of England, developed "color disks" to stimulate healing. He used these to treat various organs and body systems, effectively showing the physical body to be susceptible to changes in vibrational forces from the outside. Experiments were done by focusing light through specific color disks, which were then focused toward the body. It is from these great pioneers that the system of color therapy has been developed.

      In more modern times, bioelectric energy, or body energy, has been observed through Kirlian photography. This technique, developed in the 1930s, is used to photograph the energy field surrounding the human body. This photography captures a beautiful imprint of the body's energy pattern (often done in color), which can indicate the condition of the body as a whole, or conditions of specific parts of the body.


      Each color represents energy vibrating in a specific manner, and each color also has individual qualities that make it different from any other. Just as each color looks different from any other color, it represents energy that acts in a unique manner.

      Through the use of various color therapies it is possible to infuse the body or an area on the body with a specific color or a precise energy that is appropriate for it and will correct the energy vibration that is resulting because of body imbalance. Therefore, when you use corrective color therapy, you can alleviate symptoms of disease and stress in the energy system.


      There are many techniques of color therapy that have been known for centuries as well as some that are relatively new because of modern technology. Four practical techniques are presented here, which you can use at home with simple equipment. There are two basic approaches to color therapy. The first one uses outside sources of energy through colored lights or filters. The second uses your mind or breath as the generator of a specific color energy.


      Using Direct Light

      Transparent colored light bulbs are available in any large supermarket or lighting store. They usually come in red, green, yellow, and blue. The bulb can be screwed into a regular lamp, or you may wish to use a reflector lamp, which can be purchased from your local hardware store. Reflector lamps further enhance the strength of the color you are using. If you need other colors than these four, you will need to combine the colored light bulb with a filter (described in the paragraph below). The light from colored light bulbs should be directed toward your body from a distance of about three to five inches.

      Colored filters can be made from pieces of glass or plastic. You can buy plastic filters, which are sometimes called "gels." This material is available in most art stores. You can also use any piece of transparent colored glass, plastic, or cellophane from around the house. The colored filters will need a light source behind them. You can sit so that the sun shines through the filter, or you can shine an artificial light through the filter and onto the body. The filters can also be held close to the body at a range of three to five inches.

      Whether you use colored light bulbs or any type of filter, the light can be shone on the body at the area of need or shone on your face for general diffusion of energy throughout your body. In most cases, light therapy is used for about twenty minutes in any one session. If the colored light is used for more than thirty minutes in one session, it will have the effect of overstimulating or oversedating the body's energy fields. This can result in nervousness or depression. It is far better to repeat the color therapy session each hour for a maximum of twenty minutes each time, rather than overdoing it in one sitting. In part 2 you will find more specific details for each symptom.

      Color Infused Water

      Infusing the vibrations of various colors into water is a powerful technique. It is simple to do, and can be used by itself for healing. It is also an excellent adjunct to other techniques given in this book.

      How to prepare and use infused water:

      1 Fill a clear or specifically colored glass with clear spring water.

      2 Place it where the sun will shine through the colored glass or through a filter in front of a clear glass.

      3 If you use an artificial light, direct it through the glass at a close range of two or three inches.

      4 Keep

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