Javanese English Dictionary. Stuart Robson, Dr.
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bénjol 1 lump, bump; 2 (or mbenjol) bruised, swollen, misshapen;
bénjolan swelling, lump;
bénjal-bénjol bumpy, lumpy.
bènjrèt, mbènjrèt to have diarrhoea.
bénjuh reg can, to be able, capable.
benjut 1 lump on the head resulting from a blow; 2 squashy (of fruits).
bentar lit split in two; to crack open.
bentayang, bentayangan 1 to go every where in quest of a livelihood; 2 to writhe in pain.
bèntel bundle of rice seedlings ready for planting.
bènten different (hr for beda).
bèntèng reg var of bètèng.
bentèr hot (hr for panas);
bentèran a hot drink (hr for wédang).
bentet 1 the exact amount; 2 completely filled.
benthet cracked but not broken through;
benthetan a cracked part of something.
benthik 1 a children's game played by batting away a short stick with a long stick; 2 knocking each other; 3 fig to clash;
mbenthik to knock, hit against;
kebenthik to get knocked against;
benthikan 1 knocking each other (of two hard items); 2 to clash.
benthot sturdy, muscular.
benthuk or benthukan to collide;
mbenthuk to collide against;
mbenthukaké to collide head on;
kebenthuk to get tossed against.
benthung I strong, muscular.
II ape with long black hair.
benthut sturdy, muscular (var of benthot).
bentil dedicated, devoted; tani - dedicated farmer (see tani II).
benting reg woman's sash;
mbentingi to put a sash on s.o.;
bentingan to wear a sash.
bentis a certain fruit, often made into a drink for stomachache (reg var of pacé I).
bentoyong, mbentoyong 1 (of burdens) many and heavy to carry; 2 to be a heavy burden or extra responsibility.
bentrok to clash;
bentrokan 1 clash, confrontation; 2 to clash with each other.
bentul a variety of tuber.
bentur I severe, rigorous (var of gentur);
mbentur to do s.t. rigorously.
II mbentur to hit;
mbenturi 1 to hit s.t. repeatedly; 2 to throw stones at;
mbenturaké to strike s.t. (against);
kebentur to get hit.
bentus, mbentus to bump;
mbentusi to bump repeatedly against;
mbentusaké to bump s.t. (against);
kebentus to get a bump on the head.
bènyèk (of wounds) watery and infected.
benyènyèh (of wounds) watery and infected;
benyènyèhen or pating benyènyèh (of skin) covered with small infected sores.
benyinyih var of benyenyeh.
benyunyuk, benyunyukan or benyunyakbenyunyuk ill-mannered, boorish.
ber or mak ber repr flight through the air;
bar-ber repr repeated flights.
bèr, bèrbudi generous.
bera fallow, unproductive land;
mbera empty (of one of the hollows where seeds should be, in the game of dhakon);
mberakaké to allow (land) to lie fallow;
bebera to cultivate fallow land; (be)beran fallow land.
berah I labour(er) (kr for buruh).
II mberah reg plentiful, in abundance.
berang large knife.
béras ng, wos kr, uncooked rice; - kencur mixture of powdered raw rice and medicinal roots used for massaging; kuning rice coloured yellow with tumeric, usu served as ritual meal; wutah 1 a certain design of batik or decoration on a kris blade; 2 (of bullets) raining down; 3 (of modern furniture) having a multicoloured pebbled effect; panganen feeling bloated from eating half-cooked rice; - tuton hand-husked rice;
beras wutah arang mulih marang takeré expr it's no use crying over spilt milk;
dudu berasé ditempuraké expr to interrupt conversation in a wrong way.
bérat see birat.
bèrbudi generous. See bèr.
bèrcak pockmarked.
berci 1 a certain fine gauzy fabric; 2 spangle;
bercèn clothing made of the above fabric.
bercoh or bercuh 1 obscene (of speech); 2 confused.
berdondi dispute (var of perdondi).
berduli to care, heed (var of perduli).
bereg, mbereg 1 to chase off, shoo; 2 to let (cattle) out to graze.
bèrèk, mbèrèk 1 to slaughter, butcher; 2 to cut and rip open.
berem soft and squashy (of fallen fruits).
berem I light blue (of dyed indigo).
II edge of a road.
bereng I skin disease with red specks;
berengen to suffer from such a skin disease.
bèrès settled, in good order;
mbèrèsi or mbèrèsaké to put in good order.